Literally who's the target audience?
The 10 people who've seen The Room?
w e w lads
no wonder they can't find a distributor
The 10 people who've seen The Room?
w e w lads
no wonder they can't find a distributor
.... they have a distributor? no? New Line picked it up before it even went before cameras. Plus considering how Sausage Party performed there is seemingly always a market for a Franco/Franco/Rogen comedy.
shareProbably the same audience that liked Ed Wood, which would include me.
sharei am hoping this film will be similar to ed wood, which i why i've been looking forward to it.
shareAgree. This would be a good double feature with Ed Wood IF Franco doesn't go the easy route and just focuses on the making of The Room and turns it into a stupid comedy.
This project deserves subtlety and backstory like there is in the book.
Did you ever notice that people who believe in creationism look really un-evolved? - Bill Hicks
I'm looking forward to this quite a bit. Love bad movies, love movies about bad movies and you can't get much worse than the Room.
shareFans of James Franco
Fans of Dave Franco
Fans of Seth Rogen
Fans of movies about filmmaking
People who've seen "The Room"
People who've read "The Disaster Artist"
People interested in outsider art
I find Oscar Bait infinitely more interesting than ticket bait
so... 11 people?
shareWhatever your opinion on James Franco and Seth Rogen is, they still have a lot of fans seeing as how they've had many box office successes. Sausage Party made $34 million on its first weekend. Neighbors made $49 million on its first weekend. If you look at the last 5 movies Seth Rogen had top billing in (I won't count The Interview simply because it was released in so few theaters): Sausage Party, Neighbors 2, The Night Before, Neighbors, and This is The End. All of these films except for The Night Before ended up grossing more than $100 million at the box office. So yes, there's definitely an audience for this film.
shareA lot more than 10 people have seen The Room. It has a massive cult following. That is the target audience.
shareTarget audience is the TOILET WATER underneath MY POOP COME OUT.
Today is the day to say I love you to your best friend - chinese proverb
Have you never been to a midnight screening? It's always a packed theater. It's probably one of the bigger cult film followings out there right now. Just because you don't like something or don't know much about it doesn't mean there isn't a large following. There's a world outside of you, buddy.
shareAnyone who's interested.
Whatever you are, be a good one.