MovieChat Forums > The Messengers (2015) Discussion > Wont start this until...

Wont start this until...

I wont start watching this show until it has a full season 1 and gets a second season. I dont want to start enjoying this show and then they will cancel it just like Constantine.


I could never watch TV like that. If something looks appealing and like I will enjoy it I watch it regardless of it's chances at renewal. Although I will be very sad if The Messengers doesn't get renewed it looks like it will be my favorite (or second favorite) show of the season so there's no way in hell I'd not watch it.


"Betty's voice brought darkness to the land." - Amanda Tanen


I could never watch TV like that. If something looks appealing and like I will enjoy it I watch it regardless of it's chances at renewal.

Would you read a murder mystery if you knew the author died before he wrote the last chapter and revealed who the murderer was?

Would you watch an action movie where the producers ran out of money and never filmed the last 15 minutes?

Would you play a video game where it's impossible to complete the last level and see the ending to the game?

All dramatic TV shows today end every season on a cliffhanger, ensuring that the show will never have an ending unless it manages to last at least 3-4 seasons and they plan to end it.

This will be no different. The last episode will have some big revelation that makes you question everything. Then it will probably be canceled and the story will be left unresolved.

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Would you read a murder mystery if you knew the author died before he wrote the last chapter and revealed who the murderer was?

Actually Yes...

I love Dickens' The Mystery of Edwin Drood...

that said ... my bias for Dickens eclipses logic.


I can understand the op´s position, it has happened to me often, I get into a show, only for them to cancel it with no real ending, or a very sloppy one (Jericho)

I think that modern day storytellers (what tv is imho) have an obligation to finish a story satisfactorily, could you imagine going to the theater, and after the first, second or third act, they decide they don't want to go on anymore? You would demand your money back. Same as going to the cinema, if the Film just stopped after 40 minutes, you would not be happy.


Depends on the network for me...I diffidently don't even bother to watch anything on fox that isn't into the third season.


Just watch it,by that logic I'd never watched shows like Pushing daisies,Dead like me,Firefly and many others...the more people watching the better the chances of a renew.


Seriously! I hate people who don't watch something because they are afraid of something being cancelled. It's very stupid logic, so are holding grudges against a network because they cancelled your show. Welcome to the real world.

A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything.


Seriously! I hate people who don't watch something because they are afraid of something being cancelled. It's very stupid logic, so are holding grudges against a network because they cancelled your show. Welcome to the real world.

For me, it's not so much about a network canceling a show I like. It's canceling a show I like after ending the season on a cliffhanger, as every single dramatic show today does.

If the networks were committed to the shows and would produce one more episode after the cancellation to wrap up the story, you'd see a lot less complaining about shows getting canceled.

Honestly, it's the fact that they just leave the ending open and then cancel it that infuriates most people. People like closure. To have an endless parade of shows that present an interesting idea, get you interested and then just disappear with no resolution really starts to wear on you after a while.

Imagine if you loved reading, but 99% of the books you bought or borrowed from the library were missing the last chapter. Would you go on just blindly choosing books, or would you want some assurance ahead of time that the book wasn't going to be another tease with no payoff?

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Some people have other hobbies and commitments then watching hours and hours of TV. I would rather invest in a program that has the better chance of being a complete story then ending in crap because it had to rush to an ending. I can always get caught back up on a show I think I might like if it lasts 2-3 seasons I can't get back the time I wasted on a show that turned to something I don't like. As it was this show got cancelled and ended abruptly am glad I didn't watch it and spent my time invested in another show that didn't get canceled.


the more people watching the better the chances of a renew.

Only Nielsen families matter. If every single person in the country except the Nielsen families watched this show, it would still get canceled.

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Just because they are already filmed does not mean they will be broadcast.

On the plus side, there seems to be a lot of interest in this series, if this board is any indication.

And the timing is good. As other series are coming to their season/series finales, this show is getting a jump on the summer season.


The only worry is May Sweeps. TM will have only shown 4 episodes. But it would make for a great summer show


I don't think May Sweeps is really factor or they wouldn't have buried the show on a Friday night.

Happiness must be earned.


"Just because they are already filmed does not mean they will be broadcast."

Normally, I'd agree but CW rarely cancels a show mid-season. They usually let the show's season play-out and then just don't renew it.

Happiness must be earned.


Does, "cutting your nose off, to spite your face", sound familiar?



All 13 episodes were filmed already. This a a complete season.

I doubt that. I say that because it's virtually guaranteed that the season finale will include some big twist that leaves you hanging. And if the show gets canceled, the story will be left unfinished.

Would you consider a jigsaw puzzle "complete" if I opened the box and removed a heaping handful of pieces?

That's what watching most dramatic shows on TV is like today. You think you're coming to the end, but you find out that a bunch of pieces are missing. That's all there is and all there ever will be (in the case of cancellation).

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Okay, so don't watch it then.

The rest of us will just take our chances, ya know, since life doesn't come with any guarantees.

Happiness must be earned.


LOL looks like you won't be watching.

Renew Resurrection for a Final Season


I'm not typically the person that is very cautious about shows so much as to wait for a second season before watching but ever since the show was not renewed for a second season I have held off watching the episodes as they air. I'll just continue recording them and if it sounds like the conclusion is done well enough then I'll watch the rest. If it doesn't turn out to have a satisfying conclusion for the series then I'll delete and move on.


I agree with you. It's kinda like starting a good book and not being able to finish it. We watch a show because we are being told a story that unfolds with a beginning, "middle" and an end. Well, to not know how the story ends (as it was intended) by the storyteller, leaves some people frustrated because there is no conclusion - even if it's a bad one.

Also, I don't want to waste my time on a bad program. Most cancelled shows are axed with good reason. So it's a matter of economy. Why waste time with a show you know has failed? If it is picked-up then I know enough people liked it, and so it stands a better chance that I won't be wasting my time.

I completely understand where you're coming from.
