I'm glad I'm not the only one who found myself leaning that way. I was not surprised when I found out it was cancelled. I've been wondering since they first made the mission clear how they were going to carry the story forward. It felt like they had written themselves into a corner. If they succeed then it's over, if they fail, it's the rapture and it's still over...there didn't feel like there was anywhere to go with the story and really...I've found that coming up toward the end of the season that I haven't really connected with any of the characters. As an emotional watcher, if I don't connect with the characters, no matter how good the story is, no matter how original the idea, if I don't care about the characters then the writers have lost me. I will hold on for a while if I really like a character or if I feel an emotional connection to someone or something in the show...but if the emotion isn't there then I'm done...the show has lost me...*shrug* It had potential, it was an interesting idea to attempt but in the end...I think they missed the mark.