I thought it was a entertaining movie, but Marvel Studios is going too far with the comedy and humor. The last GOTG movie was the same. A total comedy. This movie would've been just as good had been a fantasy movie about Norse Mythology.
It's getting to be overkill, so I guess I'll go watch The Punisher.
I agree. I've never found a Marvel film laugh out loud funny. The humour is so childish. It baffles me whenever one of these movies comes out and people say their sides were splitting because it was so "FUN-KNEEEEEEEEEE"
Id agree with you on every other movie in the mcu, bar guardians and this. Guardians 1&2 and this were actually funny, all the others have had that cringe you have to laugh at your grans jokes kinda feel. Its no surprise that justice league has that same cringe inducing humour. Whedon sure did marvel it up big time.
If the focus on comedy works for some (the majority seems to think so) and it doesn’t for others, then it is what is. As long as they not only keep the entertainment level up, but the actual QUALITY up, then I can’t fault Marvel for continuing to do what works for them. Sure, I can see why this is becoming too much even for Marvel fans, but these “childish” jokes as boy over here says they are, hit the mark most of the time and feel natural. The MCU gets enough heat from people (I won’t take the opinions of those who are committed to criticizing anything Marvel into account) for being too comedic, and this year they had more reason do it.
Something like Guardians of the Galaxy NEEDS to be filled with humor though, since the comics are pure comedy (that’s how I interpreted them anyway). And what about Homecoming? It felt true to the Spider-Man character overall, therefore I didn’t find anything wrong with that movie’s lighter tone. With Thor, while getting a more dramatic movie would have - maybe - been more interesting and faithful, as far as I see it making the third movie predominantly a comedy seemed like the proper way to do it considering the Thor movies always had humor. Plus, the last one was rather serious in tone. Thor himself also never really got to shine like he was given the chance in Ragnarok, and with a creatively funny mind like Taika Waititi (responsible for giving us one of the funnier characters in the MCU—Korg) directing this one, it made sense to go all out on Ragnarok.
So, barring the Captain America movies and Doctor Strange, seeing how this “persistent” formula has been working for Marvel, they can keep doing what they’re doing. But with the no-so-funny looking Black Panther and possibly grim Infinity War coming next year, I’m sure fans that wish for less humor will have little to complain about next year.
I'm fine with Marvel's humor and think some if their films could use more if it. It's just that the humor in the film wasn't as well done as I would like.
Oin the earlier "Thor" Films Thor was the straight man and Loki had all the good lines, here Thor was the comedian. And it turns out that Hemsworth isn't a great comic actor, he's better with deadpan humor or being the straight man. Which isn't to say that I didn't like the film as a whole, I liked it very much, but I do hope that in future filns they don't give Hemsworth any more comic monologues.
The thing is, Thor is always at least a little ridiculous. You can't translate him from comic to screen without some of the ridiculousness coming through, you might as well make the most of it.
So is Ant Man, of course, and they put him on the screen with absolute seriousness and the results weren't very entertaining. May I ask if you liked "Ant Man" or the "Thor" movies better? And if you're more of a Marvel or DC fan?
For me, comedy shouldn’t make it into the 3rd act. Jokes about the foundations still being good? Why couldn’t we have a moment of silence to feel the gravity of their home planet being destroyed?