MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > Disney to buy Fox to re-aquire X-men and...

Disney to buy Fox to re-aquire X-men and F4

Galactus is coming


Disney to purchase Earth and humanity


haha, already are.


and Pulp Fiction...


I'm not getting my hopes up. There's almost always a story like this and it never comes true.


I believe that this was a story yesterday but has since not come to fruition. Disney will not be acquiring Fox anymore.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-


Disney is in negotiations already. They will acquire Fox. Doubt that it will be the entire FOX network though. I don't see Disney caring for sports.


Don’t see Disney caring for sports? They own fucking ESPN.
They also already own ABC, acquiring the whole Fox network doesn’t seem like a stretch at all.


They do? Didn't know that.


almost every story concerning Disney trying to purchase a property ends with Disney in fact purchasing said property...marvel,Star Wars,Sony...the list goes on and on...the only company I was able to find that did not culminate in a deal was buzzfeed. But the real question is...if this deal happens...will Star Wars get that classic 20th century fox fanfare back?
