Disappointed in movie

I not sure where to begin. Spoilers alert …. Before I mention a few things marvel has gone to far into political correctness. STOP changing characters that are already good and established characters from comics. Example Mary Jane from Spider-Man is a redhead and taskmaster is a man. So out of all the women that the black widows recruited only one was blonde , really in Russia … seriously… it was so disappointing… I’m done with the rest of the mcu … movie was disappointing


In translation… I’m outraged over this movie like all my fellow pathetic reich wing manbabies are because it hurt my totally not-so sensitive fascist feelings like almost every modern Hollywood production does (to hell with what they call progress! It’s anti-straight white conservative Bro agenda!) and so I’m gonna be my super edgy broken record fascist self and throw out all the buzzwords that my kool raging red pill Q-bros spew 24/7 all over this ‘family values’ type of site cause triggered I am. (Goddamn, so predictable y’all are.) Now bring on the next triggered projecting snowflake propagandist mediocre wrong winger (that fortunately doesn’t represent the majority of fans in general, only the majority on this and other klanservative infested sites that make the term “troll” obsolete) who will have some SUPER original complaints. Oh look, its all over here as usual.

Haha, but thank fuck your big bad woke enemies in this industry (and society) aren’t looking for the approval of the reich; keeping things the way they were back in them good ol’ vanilla days not on the non-donny chump cult’s watch. Stay mad and petty as ya do best, chuds.


Thanks for the laugh …


Off your meds again, TrashCan!


Go get a dictionary and learn to use it be you start spewing woke warrior words of which you clearly have no clue as to their meaning. Not that it will make you sound any more intelligent because a fool isn't going to stop looking like a fool just because he stops using words incorrectly... but you will at least look less like a complete fucking idiot if you stop using those big words incorrectly.


Bravo BRAVO!! Such stupendous vocabulary. We need to take it further and go full degeneracy. The past is the past. The good o'l vanilla days are obsolete and gone. We need to go full Arkham Asylum. Fun fun fun.


Not saying I agree with OP but you say he is "throwing out all the buzzwords" of his side as a criticism while yourself throwing out all the buzzwords of your side.

Go far enough left or right and extreme seething partisans look the same.
