With a title like that, one would expect some kind of explanation or details about the claim, you know, in a DISCUSSION BOARD.
Just making a claim is not discussion.
In any case, it's interesting to see people fighting over terminology so nothing can ever improve, because something might be seen as some 'ism', so no one should implement it.
Who cares what 'ism' something looks like, as long as every system and every powerful and wealthy entity works for the good of the people with everything they do..
(obviously, this is not happening in a world where even the BASICS, like food, is under lock and key, and corporations THROW AWAY enormous amounts of perfectly edible food every year rather than let the hungry, homeless, starving have it for free or even for a nominal price - just the other day, I passed by some big containers that are there so people can donate clean old clothes, but they were locked and inaccessible by anyone. So even 'good deeds' are done only for BUSINESS reasons, otherwise anyone should be free to take any clothes from those containers, what could be more 'recycling of clothes' than that?)
..is free healthcare socialism? Is paying libraries out of taxes the government has collected communism?
I mean, as long as it's for the good of the people, and the ones that desperately need it, get it, why would it matter what 'ism' it looks like? Maybe stop bickering about 'isms' and do something good for people..?
By the way, freedom of speech contains 'socialist propaganda'. The problem with all these 'isms' is that although all of them are bad on the whole, many of them also have very good points, but if you try to implement those points, then people will see you 'doing an ism' and condemn it, even if it's for the good of everyone.
If the world was filled with good people that wanted to share resources at least somewhat equally, it wouldn't even matter what 'ism' everything was built under. Capitalism, communism, socialism, utopiaism.. all good.
The reason why basically all these isms lead to a bad system for the people, is that people are clueless, ignorant, stupid half-animals that don't understand anything that's further than 10 cm from their own, selfish, greedy, egotistical navel.
So they let the megalomaniac psychopaths form oligarchs and secret societies that then control everything and brainwash the masses to believe in really stupid slave thoughts, like 'you have to earn your living' (you wouldn't be alive if this was true - you are allowed to exist in the Universe as a living entity without paying taxes to some government or corporations), 'unemployment is bad' (why would it be, besides money-based worries? Realize, that money is an artificial, manipulated chain and ball everything is artificially tied to, not a natural occurrence, and it COULD be changed to something better)..
Socialism, capitalism, communism - these are all merely tools of enslavement at this point.
Realistically, a system where main resources ALWAYS went for embettering people's lives, for the good of the people, and where people were not savage, demonic half-animals, would benefit from parts of all those isms. There could be a system, where most resources were not owned by any singular entity, but those resources would be shared between all, where private ownership was limited to things people can realistically use (making hoarding impossible) - you could have your own house, completely furnished and filled with your own personal toys, of course, but if you have a toolshed full of tools, and someone needs a hammer for a moment, would it be so weird if he just came and took it and then returned it once they're done?
I mean, it would seem shocking at the moment, of course, but if everything was so paradisiacal otherwise, I would be willing the pay this kind of materialistic price for psychological, spiritual and emotional freedom and euphoria.
Of course you could then do the same as well, win-win.
Some people think rights come from ownership, but I can't agree with that. I do agree that it's a very sound principle, and in a world like this, maybe it is the best way to think about 'rights' right now.
That's why in communism, you have no rights (more precisely, access to them, as we always do have rights), because all ownership belongs to 'the community', which, sadly, always seems to mean 'the government' that can then dictate your life to be as miserable as it wants.
In Capitalism, you do have rights, but Capital is the most important thing that trumps your ability to use your rights, it trumps all life, including yours, so corporations become these weird demigods dictating everything.
The original idea of government, as far as I can tell, is that people consent to being governed by an entity so they can have peace, they can use their rights, and bad people will be punished and jailed, so people can remain safe. People give some money to the government, so it can function, and from this money, police, fire department, library, commuting and traveling infrastructure, and other necessary things that make it possible to live free are paid from. The Government does not have any extra money to create vast standing armies (and brainwash people to think this is normal), there are no 'lobbyists' and so on.
In the perfect world, government would be small, and only do the necessary things for making people's lives better, and THAT'S ALL.
However, the 'powers that be' on this planet found a way to nullify the constitutions that were designed to keep such entities in check; they simply utilize the stupidity of the people by extracting consent from them in various ways, until the people, practically speaking, 'have no rights' (they have them, but consented to not using them).
We live in a diabolical world, where ANY and every 'ism' and system will be turned AGAINST the people they are supposed to exist to protect, help and enrich.
Socialism? Who cares..