MovieChat Forums > Agent Carter (2015) Discussion > Please Americans, stop it with Russians ...

Please Americans, stop it with Russians already!

I liked the show at the beginning. Then started that stupid Russian thing, AGAIN. Enough already! Russians DON'T speak English between themselves, they are not keeping their children in cages, they are not killing machines, they are not mindless idiots with killing instincts, nor hating USA soooo badly as you think. You people just spread meaningless hate towards the whole nation! I really started to hate this show and I am not Russian or some crazy communist. I just hate the way America in their shows presents themselves as greatest heroes in the world and every other nation they don't like as some kind of iron, mindless monsters. That is called nationalism and that is called promoting hate towards the whole one nation. Not to mention that USA attacked most countries than any other country in the world, including mine.
I started to hate this show and I really, really liked it at first. I realize it's a fiction, but then don't use it for politics, please. I hate politics in something that's supposed to be an art. SO please, stop it! Art should never promote hate or politics. I am very big fan of art, don't spoil me that.


Haha did you really just say the US attacked more countries than any other? Have you ever opened a history book? England is by far in the top of attacking more countries than any other. It owned over half the world at one point. Germany also is in the top. You know, that whole WWII thing that happened where Germany invaded all of Europe and Africa.

The reason Russia is the bad guys, because of the cold war. Again you seem to not know history. Also even in modern times, Russians deal in a lot of mad things. There are Russian mafias all over the world, they deal in human trafficing and much more. Not saying all Russians are bad.


maybe not countries attacked but how about years that had a war instead of going a year in peace versus the years the united states has been a part of the world. as of this year 219 out of 240. the united states ain't exactly the Mother Theresa of the world community either.

oh and by the way now I'm going to take the time to correct you here.

"You know, that whole WWII thing that happened where Germany invaded all of Europe and Africa. "

1)in ww2 Nazi Germany invaded 26 countries. 26 is hardly "all" of Europe and Africa. nice try though.

2)the U.S. since 1776 has invaded 70 countries.
again, another very nice try. I'm afraid history begs to differ with your ranking. considering they haven't invaded even half as many. the Third Reich cant be ranked above the Americans in this regard. your version of history doesn't fly. the only difference here is the Nazis tried to do it all at once. everyone else noticed, hence why the Nazi's aren't here anymore.

"Have you ever opened a history book?" never say *beep* like this when you don't actually do your own research, and fact check your rants ahead of time.

"in the age of information, ignorance is a choice." Donny Miller

so cheers to all those who would actually do their own research.


Yet nobody's like, "How come NAZIs are always the bad guys?".

Soviet Russia was pretty evil. They make good bad guys. Especially for spy action thrillers set in the postwar era.


OP the show is set in the 1940s Jesus Christ. Exactly who do you think was the West biggest enemy at the time? If you don't want the real world invading your precious TV shows don't watch them. Hydra the former Nazis are still giving Avengers and SHIELD a major headache 70 years after that group was defeated and you're not complaining about that.

But a show that's actually set during a time when USSR was considered a big threat is a big no no. I bet the James Bond films set in the 60s must be painful to watch.

Marvel 2016: Agents of Shield, Agent Carter, Daredevil, Civil War, Dr. Strange, Luke Cage!


"that stupid Russian thing" was a real (and stupid in hindsight) thing in America from the end of WWII until the wall came down.

It's just the reality of the time (though, yes, an alternate world to ours).

It's like getting upset that a show set in the wild west still has indians fighting coyboys.

I really don't see any "promoting hate" here at all.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


Maybe not modern Russians, but Cold War Russians were exactly like the Russians in this show. They were brainwashed to hate the United States and all of them were trained from childhood to kill Americans in special Communist combat schools. The best children were taken from their parents and turned into special assassins that were sent to infiltrate America as spies for the KGB. C'mon now, this is all documented history.

We Americans also know Russians all speak excellent English among themselves. English is the preferred language of the ruling class Russians that they keep secret from the Russian commoners. They don't want the common Russian to know that once the ruling Russians destroy America, they plan to become like America. They want to be wealthy, have fun, and lead decadent and hedonistic lives leaving Russia to the commoners while they move the Russian capital to California to bask in the sun.

And I hope you know I'm kidding. I also hope you know that Americans know that Russians in a show like Peggy Carter are not representative of what Russia is really like. I hope Russians know America doesn't really have superheroes wandering the streets in costumes fighting it out...though we do have some regular citizens that do dress up in costumes and patrol the streets to stop crime. That last part is true.


Well its not like today, then Soviets and Americans we're enemies, so that is totally plausible, US and Soviet Union were always trying to out do one another.


The Soviet Union was one of the most murderous regimes in all of human history.

BTW there have also been lots of American bad guys on this show. Also, they speak English because the show is made for an English speaking audience. Your complaints have zero merit.



But, it's set before the cold war. So Russian character will be used as villains as well as American characters.

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Actually, the Cold War started the day WWII ended. The Russians were our allies in the war - the enemy of my enemy is my friend - but nobody - NOBODY - trusted them.

By the time VE Day rolled around the Russians had taken over half of Germany and had their eyes on the rest of eastern Europe. They took over those countries too and the Cold War just got colder and colder as the decades rolled by. It ended when the Soviet Union ceased to exist in 1991.

Even so, a lot of people believe Vlad Putin is doing his best to start another Cold War. I agree.

God's Holy Trousers!!


Actually, the Cold War started the day WWII ended. The Russians were our allies in the war - the enemy of my enemy is my friend - but nobody - NOBODY - trusted them.

That's not how it went down. Russians and Serbs are sister nations. It's relationship artificial nation born out of enslavement and genocide such as americans, who spy on everyone, can never understand. When the war was over, americans bombed belgrade, killing over thousand serbs, and 18 germans.

America knows it can't move against russia directly, so it lashes out against serbia, miniature state no one can pinpoint on map, because they know it'll hurt russia's feelings.

That's why cold war started, not cause no one trusted russia, who by the way lost more people to WWII than any other country, but because americans are not trust worthy. If government such as american were to be the only one in possession of nuclear weapons, it would hold the world hostage. This is why russians, strongest nation in the world, had to join the nuclear race, to keep american's in check, that's why cold war started.
Anyone who has ever read any spoilers,
knows that Winter Is Coming


This is the most ridiculous thing I've read today, but it's early yet.
