Why’d it bomb? Unforgettable (2017)
I’ll just get it out of the way and say why this movie bombed: Katherine. Heigl.share
I’m not even going to bother with an intro. The reason this movie has been bombing is because it seems like everything Katherine Heigl does nowadays ends up in failure. Her biggest success recently was The Nut Job and that was a kids movie so I doubt 98% of the audience cared she was in it! Otherwise, audiences have been pretty much staying away from everything she’s been in. One for the Money and The Big Wedding bombed at the box office. She tried returning to TV twice with State of Affairs and Doubt. Both were cancelled due to low ratings. State of Affairs was cancelled after 13 episodes while Doubt was cancelled after TWO EPISODES! She tried setting up an indiegogo campaign for an indie she was in, Jenny’s Wedding, and, while that movie did get made, it did not reach it’s goal of reaching $150,000. She’s also had to stoop to making commercials for Nyquil and Kitty Litter!
It just seems like, whatever she does now, no one wants any part of it. I guess it’s just because, in her career, she has burned a lot of bridges, with people like Judd Apatow and Shonda Rhimes, and she’s also infamous for having an awful mother whose also her an agent, which has made a lot of people not want to work with her. She’s also known for also having a giant attitude problem in general. It seems like a lot of the general public has heard these horror stories and, as a result, it has scared people off away from her, as they don’t want to see a movie starring her, knowing what a diva she is. Of course, part of it could also be that, even if they don’t know that she’s known for her ego, she hasn’t starred in a good movie since Knocked Up. In fact, her career since has been mostly made up of mediocre romantic comedies. Some of these, like 27 Dresses and The Ugly Truth, were box office successes but, over time, I think audiences have wised u