MovieChat Forums > Gracepoint (2014) Discussion > Ending/KillerThoughts.. Bring on the Hat...

Ending/KillerThoughts.. Bring on the Hate Replies... I can take It.

Whether or not Tom swung the oar, it was still Joe's fault. He was the one up there w/ Danny in the first place; at least he was right that it WAS his fault. Tom was going after Joe, not Danny. Yes, there was a 'twist', but the killer was the same.

Tom should've told the truth straightaway, it was a complete accident and they would've seen it as such. If not for Joe being a wank, things might've turned out much different... for Tom, anyway.

What a let down, Gracepoint. I know it sounds harsh, but the writing was so sloppy. Yes, I realise it was suppose to be a remake of, Broadchurch, but even remakes aren't suppose to be word-for-word, shot-for-shot, and a lot (no, not all) of it was.

The acting, ranging from meh (David's) to horrid (nearly everyone else). It felt lazy; like they had just watched BC and tried to mimic it and not organic in any way. They were wooded and flat most of the time and I felt nothing for Danny's family or the people of the town. Not to mention, David' accent-- it was horrid. I could absolutely hear the Scottish through his accent and it would've been better to just keep him Scottish and go w/ it.

I suppose GP fans who haven't seen BC *are* tired of hearing the comparisons and the complaints we've been making all along, but that's what happens when a remake like this is done-- esp. in such close time proximity to the original.

Personally, I can't wait to get back to, Broadchurch in January! I strongly advise anyone who hasn't seen series 1 to watch it ASAP! (Before S2 starts!) I'm really looking forward to Hardy and Miller (David Tennant and Olivia Colman); they're excellent together! And, Eve Myles (of Doctor Who/Torchwood)!

"To days to come/ All my love to long ago." - 5/10 DW



Then---you must be British!!!😛



no---I was replying to lov0817's comment--not U sky--Hmmm. Daytona---I'm in Pensacola and not a girl---Thanks though!!!


Out of pure curiosity, what makes you think I'm s Brit?


The only real problem I had with Gracepoint was the music, it struck completely wrong tone for the show, it was trying to be dark and moody at the expense of the emotion.
I guess some of the dialogue could have been adapted better to suit an American accent but it was interesting to see how the different actors played the parts and how their personas made the characters completely different people, Paul was a completely different person.


I politely disagree with you. All the writers said was it would be a different killer, adding 2 episodes they had to cut, & changing up a few things. I think they did great changing the whole thing with the priest. Was there not one moment where you thought...hmmm....maybe it was him. Or the dad. People complained about how cold he was. Maybe Danny was not his son(the priest's) & he became angry(could have been a theory). The whole backpacker route. That was not expanded upon in BC.
I also did not have a problem with Tennant's "accent" I've heard many accents come thru with actors who have been on American tv for awhile now.(ex;Simon from The Mentalist-every episode his Aussie accent appears). Remember they were hoping to hit the people who had not seen Bc just as much as those who did. If they changed too much, people would then complain about that.


I wonder what I would have thought of this series if Broadchurch did not exist. I got caught up in the whole whodunnit speculation for Broadchurch whaen it originally aired, eagerly awaiting each new episode. Watching Gracepoint was like deja vue as SO MUCH of the dialogue was almost identical. It's hard for me to compare the two as I did see Broadchurch first and I'm a Brit! I liked the character portrayals better in Broadchurch (more vulnerable?), and the atmosphere was more compelling (helped by a better musical score.) The added twist in the ending was so tacked on just to make it 'different', and scenes in the preceding storyline don't fully fit that add-on ending. I never saw the point of remaking the show in the first place. I hope if Broadchurch 2 does well in the UK, they won't try and copy it here.


I watched BC right before Gracepoint. So for me I liked picking out the small details that were different. I agree the score was better for BC. Vulnerable is the perfect word. I said in another post awhile ago, about how BC had many closeups of Beth & Mark. Somehow it made it seem more heart-wrenching, & you would feel for them. I thought maybe Michael Pena's portrayal, with the coldness, might be how the directors wanted it-as a red-herring to make it seem like he could have done it. I doubt there will be a remake of BC@ being that Gracepoint had bad ratings.


I suppose GP fans who haven't seen BC *are* tired of hearing the comparisons and the complaints we've been making all along, but that's what happens when a remake like this is done-- esp. in such close time proximity to the original.

You are exactly right about this! I'm genuinely curious as to why someone would watch a beloved show's remake that is known to be almost exactly the same as the original. And then judge it against the original (which so many of us have not seen) instead of on its own merits.

What's the point? For instance, I had no interest in seeing the remake of "Psycho," even though it was directed by Gus Van Zandt.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


I wanted to see it because I liked Broadchurch. David Tennant was weird with an American accent, but I got used to it. Anna Gunn was as good as she was in Breaking Bad in a mostly understated role that has its peaks. I wasn't too impressed with the priest character in this version (the Mark jealousy thing was just annoying). The actress that played Danny's mother was really good. Nick Nolte tore my heart out as Jack. I really liked Joe in Broadchurch; I thought he was a really warm character. It floored me when he was revealed as the killer. In this version, I thought Joe was lukewarm, and I don't think it's because I distanced myself, expecting him to be the killer, although that could be part of it.

I think that Gracepoint was destined to be complained about, whether it was the same ending or whether it was changed. For me, having seen Broadchurch already, it was like revisiting it, more or less, and I would have preferred it stuck to the original ending, considering they stuck to so much of the original story. I had actually forgotten how horrifically sad the killing was in Broadchurch. In Gracepoint, the air of tragedy and the haunting music throughout the miniseries doesn't really match up well to the more sympathetic version of Joe, who ends up even more sympathetic when we realize he's trying to protect his child. (And since I hate open-ended endings, I hated how that ended. Not really interested in speculating over what happened in some show that someone else wrote.

I liked the motel lady and the newspaper owner, and the woman who played Susan was hauntingly good.

I thought the show was fine.

I also like watching Law & Order: UK, even though a lot of it is regurgitated from the original L&O here. There was one episode I thought was stupid in the original and I cringed when I saw it happening in the UK version (a strange rape episode).

Anyway, I watched Gracepoint for Tennant and Gunn, and just to see what it was like. I don't regret it, although it's a long story. I'm used to shows where that is a one-hour plot. :)


What do you expect from an American remake - no originality, shoddy writing, good production values, high budget, added melodrama, no thought or vision, just lots of hype.

Thats exactly what we got.




I live in the US, and never heard of Broadchurch, so I watched this series and I liked it very much. I had nothing to compare it to. Good entertaining show. Suspenseful for me.




Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue.


why do that? It's easier to just slam Americans.


Chris Chibnall, the writer of Broadchurch wrote the first episode of Gracepoint and then handed it over to two U.S. writers for the rest of the series.

So it wasn't the same writer throughout.


Not really true.

Chris Chibnall adapted only the first episode's script for Gracepoint. The rest of the series was adapted by a pair of American writers, who took the original plot points and altered them to their taste. So while the basic premise came from the same source, the differing details in Gracepoint and Broadchurch were written and produced by different people and subject to different quality.


Well...I'm just gonna throw it out there---It's seems as though the Britts all like Broadchurch better than Gracepoint--just because the show was in British language---the same way all Blacks luv Obama no matter what he does(and I voted for him---twice) but I am still pissed at the ending of American version--and not just because of their accents!!!


Well...I'm just gonna throw it out there---It's seems as though the Britts all like Broadchurch better than Gracepoint--just because the show was in British language---the same way all Blacks luv Obama no matter what he does(and I voted for him---twice) but I am still pissed at the ending of American version--and not just because of their accents!!!

Well... I'm American and I thought Broadchurch was much better than Gracepoint. The acting in BC was superior for just about every character. The whole feel of Broadchurch made me feel connected to those characters in a way I never did to any of the GP ones.
I've re-watched BC a couple of times because it was that good but I have no interest in seeing GP again. It just wasn't that compelling and the actors were bland versions of their BC counterparts.

🐈 Kitty 🐈 My vote for best internet troll


Well... My kitty is more evil than your evil kitty---and she speaks proper English---Just kidding girl!!!😸


Well... My kitty is more evil than your evil kitty---and she speaks proper English---Just kidding girl!!

That's amazing! A talking cat. My cat only meows. 😞

🐈 Kitty 🐈 My vote for best internet troll



the show was in British language
I'm pretty sure Broadchurch was in the English language. What is this British language you mention? Is that the language of the subtitles? :)

all Blacks luv Obama no matter what he does(and I voted for him---twice)
Are you saying you voted Obama twice just because you are black? Or are you calling all black people racists, who only vote for black candidates? :)

Seriously though, Bitch, it wouldn't surprise me if all (or many) Brits are biased to like Broadchurch because it is a British show. Just like all French people will favor French shows, and Japanese will favor Japanese things, etc.


spanny---I meant British accents which for some are hard to understand especially if they talk rather fast as they often do!!!As for the Obama statement---I was talking mainly about SNL skit where group says things Obama did they didn't like but they still would vote for him---also some poll said like 97% of blacks back Obama no matter what he did---Oh...and I am white by the way and I voted for Obama because he was the best choice--not because he was black--and your right!!!That's what I was saying the posters who like Broadchruch better are most likely Brits--And I am not a Bitch----but thanks for your comment anyway!!!😀


Hey, just out of interest (and off topic from Gracepoint): Are you still happy with President Obama right now, and still glad you voted for him?

I live in Canada and we hear that Obama's approval ratings are way down lately, and that a lot of his supporters now regret voting for him? (Not sure if his black voters regret voting for him - as you remarked, 97% of American blacks probably still back Obama now, just because he is black.)


Well..It's rather complicated--I did say "He was the best choice" but with all politicians--that doesn't always mean a good choice--Not that he has done a bad job, but America is so almost equally divided between Democrats & Republicans it really depends on who decides to get out to vote who wins--They mostly support people most like their selves or their beliefs--Obama has tried to do a good job and most Presidents in their second term have low approval ratings equal to his at this point. He, unfortunately has the Republicans and many closeted Racists out to get him at every step he takes. I consider myself a independent but usually vote for democrats (but not always)I voted for Reagan. To answer your question: I am glad I voted for him but right now I think most politicians go to Washington and get corrupted or lose site of what they went there for--Or in other words "The more things change--The more they stay the same"--What I hope for in the future is that we don't get another Bush, but it look like Jeb Bush is probably going to run in 2016--Makes you just want to give up and quit voting for any of them!!! Thanks for your interest!


Well, thanks for your considered reply about President Obama.



Probably H. Clinton.
 


Well--we know Hillary will be "IN IT TO WIN IT" but I hear him numbers are in decline---only 78% now---HA-HA!!! Who else have you heard is running--sky???



Well...I'm just gonna throw it out there---It's seems as though the Britts all like Broadchurch better than Gracepoint--just because the show was in British language

This is a ridiculous thing to say. I'm American and thought Broadchurch was far superior at literally everything. The acting and writing on Gracepoint sucked, plain and simple. The twist ending was a cop out, and just added to how bad the rest of the show was.


Different strokes for different folks---get over it!!!


Don't you realize Gracepoint had same writers as Broadchruch???


I don't remember the coroner saying there were size 6 shoe prints on the beach by the body, yet they showed that scene as Ellie was figuring things out in the bathroom. Do any of you remember hearing/seeing that? And if it was said, wouldn't Carver have picked up on that when he asked Tom and Joe what their shoes sizes were?


I'd asked the same question, but someone pointed out that the child's size 6 prints were around the cabin. I got confused because the screen shots went from Tom's sneakers as he sat on the bathroom floor to the size 6 statement outside the cabin to Danny's body lying on the beach (I rewatched, just to get it clear.) I assume at sometime it was said that Danny was not a size 6 - maybe they should have added that snippet in Ellie's thought process too.


yeah, that clears up where they found the prints, thanks.

but still...once Tom said he was a shoe size wouldn't the siren in Carver's head go off right then and there?


Thank you to everyone for posting your thoughts and replies; I love reading them all.
