MovieChat Forums > Fist Fight (2017) Discussion > Is this a reboot of the movie THREE O'CL...

Is this a reboot of the movie THREE O'CLOCK HIGH but with teachers!

The plot sounds exactly like that of the film THREE O'CLOCK HIGH, but replacing the students with teachers! Sounds cool to me.


Reboot, no... In the spirit of, yes.


Plagiarized than.


Just saw the trailer and my first thought was...the same as everyone else in this thread, Been there done that, so I guess I have no rant to add about hollywood re-makes

Guess we all saw 3 o'clock high back in the day. I saw it twice in the theater!

I'm a huge Charlie O'day fan so I'll give it a chance


That's because FIST FIGHT pretty much is ripping off THREE O'CLOCK HIGH. And not just the plot. See what else they're busted for:


That was my thought as well. There is even a scene in the trailer that is similar to one Three O'Clock High.


La-bibbida-bibba-dum, la-bibbida-bibbi-doo


Should have just made it a sequel, taking place at the same school and have it connected to the other movie somehow. Probably would have brought in more viewers in my opinion.


As soon as I saw the trailer I thought "3 Oclock High" one of my all time favorite movies!!


Yes, I thought it was a Reboot, and I knew things would happen because they happened in Three O'clock High, and the huge crowd and the fight looked like it happened at the same school.
