MovieChat Forums > Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) Discussion > Why Would An A-Lister In Wahlberg Stoop ...

Why Would An A-Lister In Wahlberg Stoop To This Level?

I'm in shock. Transformers is vapid garbage.


Which Stargate did you step out of where Marky Mark is consider "A-Lister"? I'm gonna need those chevron codes, I want to visit there.


Well, for one.... these movies are cool as hell. The last film, i felt was the best one of all of them. Might as well keep the vibe going.

He worked with Bay also on Pain and Gain, so there is a relationship there, plus the money is good.

He's a great actor, but you're acting like he's Leonardo DiCaprio or something, in the sense that he'll only do films with a socially consciousous message. Since when has Wahlberg EVER been that? He makes fun movies.... This movie will be huge.... For the things that he cares about, this movie will provide it to him in spades.


I like Mark, a lot, but you don't think of Oscars, with most of his movies. He's rich and established. I think he just wants to be in blockbuster films that are seen by a lot of viewers. He's has the charisma to pull of fun and interesting characters.
