MovieChat Forums > Jigsaw (2017) Discussion > Things you want/don't want in this movie...

Things you want/don't want in this movie

- For it to be a sequel
- The industrial bathroom to make an appearance.
- A longer runtime. So far, aside from parts 1 and 3, all of the movies have ran for 90 minutes and under (excluding end credits) this one should be around 100-105 minutes long.
- An explanation for why Gordon decided to work for Jigsaw and what happened to his wife and daughter.
- A game involving 3-5 people. Like in parts 1, 2 and 5.

- To be shot in 3D. Bad idea for the 7th movie
- The whole "one person going through different rooms, trying to save people" game. It was done in four out of seven movies. Enough.
- Half of the movie revolving around Hoffman. I've had enough of his character.


You must be a big fan - really tryin' to keep this board alive. Ha. Nice. I love 'em too.

- The First Three Things You Said. Must be Sequel, Bathroom Appears, Longer Running Time.
- It needs to be emotional like part 3. It may sound dumb, but I want to cry.
- 1 or 2 traps. It should be more psychological.
- A relatable, complex story.
- New look?
- More realism.

- Bad acting ala Saw 3D.
- Complex Traps.
- Big cast.
- Too many catchphrases.
- Forced flashbacks.
- Gratuitous Gore

On the sequel bit, this doesn't have to be SAW 8 w/Hoffman breaking out and chasing down Gordon. It doesn't have to be Gordon taking over for Jigsaw. I suppose, I'm open to a reboot or reinvention. I'd love for it to reference the early films and if it does show us the conclusion to Hoffman/Gordon's story that would be excellent, but if it were to be about all new people with their own story somehow influence by John Kramer; I'm game.


Completely agree!


Hopefully we get a few more active users on the board like you to keep it alive in the year leading up to it lol.

-A sequel, but distancing itself from the final 3 films.
-An ending as impactful as 2. It really shook me when Daniel had been in the safe the entire time.
-Enjoyable traps. Simple yet effective, similar to 2 or 3.
-A main trap focusing on a group of people, I enjoy how the characters played off eachother and less 1 man (like Bobby for example) running around an asylum trying to save friends.
-Outdoor traps are fine by me but lets keep it real (unlike 7s)

-Hoffman. He was fun in the final films but lets leave him dead.
-It to take a step too far back; I appreciate it will be different to the original 7 but as much as I love the first film I'm here for the enjoyable traps and twisting story.
-A twist like 'they were working with jigsaw the whole time!'
-Pink blood.


Dont want:Chad donella and betsy russell.They should not be allowed to call themselves actors with the performances they gave on vii!


Although very unlikely they will be in the film anyway


What I Want...

-For it to be a sequel instead of full-on reboot. (Or at very least I'd be fine with a sequel/soft-reboot- as in it's set in the same "universe" but shifts the focus to new characters, which seems to be more-or-less what this is going to be based on early reports.)

-Tobin Bell must return for more than just a cameo. He was spotted near where they are filming, so hopefully this is the case.

-A slower, more deliberate storyline along the lines of the first film, or very least a more mythodical plot that isn't just focused on traps.

-I hope Dr. Gordon is at least mentioned if not featured in a cameo/supporting role. (At least explain that he "passed the torch" onto a new heir of the legacy if absolutely nothing else. I just really hope they don't cop out with a "he died/got arrested off screen" explanation.)

-A new visual and audible style that compliments and contrasts with the films that came before without just aping their style. It's been too long to just deliver the same old in terms of style and visuals. Make it a bit fresh. (Again, this thankfully seems to be the case.)

-Do enough new with the concept to justify its own existence... subverting expectations and taking it in a new direction that will excite fans and reinvigorate the series. But at the same time, it needs to keep just enough hallmarks of the series to remain recognizable as a Saw film. So there needs to still be a big final twist with a new version of "Hello Zepp" for example. But there doesn't necessarily have to be a trap-centered A or B-storyline as in all the previous sequels.

-For the love of god, please let it be over 90 minutes. The last few films have felt quite rushed.

If it fulfilled most of these, I think it would be pretty ideal.

What I DON'T Want...


-Killing off/explaining away previously established characters off-screen.

-Anything that will contradict the "loosely realistic" tone of the series. So nothing supernatural, no major ret-cons, etc.

-For it to ignore some of the previous events/sequels. Just stick with canon.

-End on a major cliffhanger. (Simply because audiences are fickle about franchise revivals that come out years after the initial series ended, so there's no guarantee it'll be as big a hit as the previous films. Don't wanna end on a cliffhanger that will never be completed because it didn't make enough money at the box office.)

-To put too much focus on the visuals and traps over the story.

-Actors on par with Gibson from 3D... Still have nightmares about that guy's "acting", lol...

And FURTHERMORE, this is my signature! SERIOUSLY! Did you think I was still talking about my point?





- A new, modernized take on Charlie Clouser's now classic themes. Looks like I'm getting my wish.

- Slower plot with a strong sense of mystery and an involving puzzle-like game.

- The new Jigsaw to be scary, mysterious and menacing.

- Good acting. Much better than anything the series has given us so far.

- As few references to previous sequels as possible. Keep the puppet though.


- A white male going through a series of timed traps with people he must save.

- While I do want a humanized villain, I don't want someone I'm supposed to "agree" with. Don't give me lines like "that's a human being!" or "killing is distasteful." Jigsaw should be a sadistic, unpredictable *beep*

- Young victims.

- Copycat psycho villain is fine, but I don't want apprentices or "awakened people".

- Dr. Gordon. He gets his own special bulletpoint.


Yeah, I agree with you guys on the wanting it to focus more on story and characters, rather than traps.


MORE about the lives of John Kramer and Dr Gordon. Flashbacks to John's younger days - John's Industrialist father was ill with cancer. He stripped to his underwear, went into THE BATHROOM and shot himself with young John the first to discover his body...


-Dr. Gordon, in old age, about 50 years later, confessing his stories after Saw VII in the form of memoirs. He's either confessing to someone trusted that is writing it all down or into a recorder.
-The memoirs can launch a new set of movies detailing entirely what happened after VII and perhaps any legacies that were developed.
-Realistic sets. Victim homes/basements/attics or work places will suffice. All equipment used shown snuck in under the cover of darkness/night.
-An occasional memory flashback to some of our favorites but just cameos for nostalgia. This is just one person's memoirs.
-Traps with a way out, survival or death.
-New characters, new situations in other cities perhaps.

-No more abandoned buildings and real estate that would cost a fortune to uphold.
-No multiple flashbacks from different perspectives, keep it concise.
-No traps that end with life + disability. Banged, bruised, sore, cut, bleeding out painfully, sure, but hobbling around on one left or one true hand or only one eye or totally death/blind just makes the victim a disability recipient. Seen enough of that, try something else.
-Obsessing over the same old characters that are played out by now minus Dr. Gordon.

Opinions are like orgasms. Mine is more important and I don't care if you have one.


I think Hoffman's role is pretty much done in the series. He has nowhere to go.

Gordon knows what Hoffman can do. That's why he took away the saw and probably locked the bathroom. Besides, Hoffman pretty much escaped in Saw 4, Saw 5 and even dodged a trap made to kill him ( rigged by Jill, perhaps ) in Saw 6. He lost in Saw 3D.

If Hoffman comes back, it's obviously as a corpse or in flashbacks showing stock footage from previous movies. We pretty much know his story, the whole plot about his sister, being blackmailed by Jigsaw, leaving Rigg to die, killing Strahm and then murdering people in Saw 6 and 7. There's nothing more to add about him that we would be surprised. His role has been basically as a brute force of nature, as Jigsaw's henchman and then as a murdereing trying to cover his track and frame others. That's all.

It's not that I don't like Hoffman. In fact, I quite liked his role in the series ( he's one of these characters that we love to hate. My new one is Negan in The Walking Dead, that sicky bastard needs to be burned alive and cut in 100000 pieces, lol ).

I'm also curious about what else can they reveal about Jigsaw. We know why he tried to kill himself ( he lost his unborn son, had the reveal about the cancer ). We know why he uses the pig mask, why he became Jigsaw, his first trap and his first victim.

Unless this is a movie that pretends to be a sequel, but its timeline happens between previous movies. I mean, Saw 2 and 3/4 were separated by 6 months. I'm pretty sure they could say a lot of new games happened between old movies, perhaps in another city. Then again, another time twist would be predictable. We had a time twist in Saw 2 ( the game wasn't happening in real time ) and Saw 4 ( Saw 3 events happening almost at the same time ). A new apprentice would also be predictable. We had Amanda in Saw 2, Hoffman in Saw 4 and Gordon as a new player in Saw 7.

Sure, they could use Hoffman as a pawn for someone's else game, just like they did to the detective from Saw 2 ( forgot his name ) who lost his game, but was used for Rigg's game in Saw 4.


Tobin Bell has to be in this in flashbacks or whatever, his voice is saw.



-Well developed characters. Obviously, there will be those who are just there to die, but as long as they handle it well, I won't mind. As for the main characters, don't make them one dimensional. Make them interesting and maybe even likable, like William.
-Definitely a longer runtime. Not asking for 2-2.5 hours (although that would be fine with me), but definitely something more than 90 mins, hopefully between 100-115.
-For it to be a fresh take on the story, and not be a follow up to 3D. By that, I mean that this should be an original story, and shouldn't focus on everything 3D established. Have new characters, with a new story. Not saying it has to ignore 3D, and all the other previous stories, but something like how Skyfall is to Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace.
-Meaningful traps again. As much as I loved most of the traps from 4-7, I think it's time to go back to the days of 1-3, where the traps weren't always about the violence, and they actual represented something regarding the victims. That's probably asking too much, and I definitely wouldn't be upset if there are big traps in this one, but I'm just hoping there's at least one that's similar to the Bathroom trap, or even the House trap.
-This is wishful thinking, but I'd really be happy if this was a soft reboot of the series. I think they have the potential here to create a new series of Saw movies that can right the wrongs that the previous movies made.

Don't Want:

-3D. No explanation needed.
-Any key players from 1-7 (aside from Jigsaw himself) to return. The only other person I'd be okay with coming back would be Dr. Gordon, but only if it's for a brief time, and that he's not a central part of this new story. 3D already fvcked up his character enough by not giving us enough of an explanation as to why he joined John's side, and what happened to him outside of him being an apprentice. If he comes back, I'd like some proper explaining to be done.
-A cliche, rushed story. This movie has serious potential to resurrect this franchise, and make it good again after the disgrace that was 3D. But it can only do that if the story is good enough to warrant starting it up again after 7 years. Otherwise, this would just seem like a desperate cash grab by Twisted Pictures and Lionsgate, and any credibility they had left would be gone completely if they fvck this up. The writers of this movie don't exactly have me excited, considering they wrote the Piranha 3D movies, but the directors, I have faith in. So until we start hearing about what the story's about, I remain skeptical.
- Good cinematography. The Saw franchise has had some amazing cinematography since the very beginning, and I think that with the way technology is advancing, there's no reason that this movie shouldn't visually look fantastic. Especially given that the same directors/DP of Daybreakers are doing this movie (which, from what I've seen, is quite well done visually).
-Crappy acting. Not asking for Oscar worthy material here, but if the acting in this movie is as good as the acting in 2 and 6 especially, I'll be very happy.
-Excess fan service. The biggest problem Saw 3D had was it catered too much to the fans regarding the story, that they didn't focus on telling it's own story. Hell, anyone on these boards and HOJ could've written the script for 3D, and the result would've been the same movie, or sadly, an even better one. This movie should only have fan service if the story needs it. Don't just throw a plot twist in the story just for the hell of it, don't have someone get locked away in a room at the very end just because the old movies did it. Tell your own story first, then if it needs it, have references to the previous movies.
-For this to be a one and done movie. I'd like for this movie to spawn a new franchise of Saw movies. If this was just made to milk the remaining few cents that this franchise had left to offer, then they shouldn't have even bothered with it at all.

I think that's it for me, but if I think of anything else, I'll update this.

When Gotham is ashes...... you have my permission to die. - BANE


I'm a huge saw series fan but what i DON'T WANT: This movie to come out, it´s unnecessary, it will be underwhelming, will probably kill off dr gordon off-screen and it will underperform at the box office


I don't think the Spierig bros will make a movie I won't like.

Update: I now think the Spierig bros have made a movie I won't like.


I never understood this line of thinking. If you're a huge fan, how could another movie ever be a bad thing?


I guess they don't want to ruin the absolutely perfect conclusion that was Saw 3D: The Traps Come Alive.
