I just saw the movie. Here are my thoughts.
I am not going to write a long review, but I will say I saw Pan today with my fiancé and a couple of friends, and we all enjoyed it (three men and I was the only woman). When we were leaving the theater, I asked one of the families who had been in the theater with me what they thought, and they also loved it. This was a family of five. There were aspects that could have been better, but that can be said for most movies. I would give it a 7.5/10.
I never listen to critics. Critics are pretentious and nitpick over every little thing, and most of the posters on imdb are equally pretentious. This film was intended to completely symbolize a child's imagination, and it did just that. It was a lot of fun, and everyone gave a good performance in it with the exception of maybe Garrett Hedlund, whom I thought was a bit stale. He is absolutely gorgeous though, so perhaps I can forgive his less than stellar acting.
Hugh Jackman's Blackbeard was actually a lot of fun. Watching him felt like watching a literal Disney cartoon villain being brought to life, and I'm pretty sure that was their intention. I should add that his performance was also quite nuanced, and I strongly disagree with any criticism I've seen of his performance. He was supposed to be theatrical. This is a child's imagination and that's the way all villains seem to a child, and Joe Wright even said he wanted the acting for that character to feel like watching a play. Hugh Jackman was fabulous at capturing a fairy tale villain, and I hope we will also see some Shakespeare in his future because the way he delivered his dialogue would be very well suited for Shakespeare.
Levi Miller did a good job. I think he has a promising career ahead of him if directors give him a chance.
Now, of course, people will respond to my honest opinion and call me a "fangirl" or whatever the hell they do, but bottom line is, objectively speaking, if people gave this movie a chance rather than going into it expecting to hate it, they might actually enjoy it too. It was clearly intended for kids, and the visuals were quite fantastic I must say.
The movies critics praise today reminds me of how jaded society has become.
As for the "whitewashing", that is total BS. Neither me nor my fiancé nor our friends are white, and not one of us were offended by the movie in any way. If anything, it was quite racially diverse.