MovieChat Forums > Iron Fist (2017) Discussion > Why the big debate about lead being whit...

Why the big debate about lead being white?

What's the big deal with casting the lead as a white dude? Wasn't he always white in the comics? Besides, aren't we already used to watching white dudes as leads?

If you really want to watch asian mains, why not just watch asian series from HK or japan? They area ALL asians without a single white or black dude in them.


White people are not open-minded and rarely support creative properties that are not about them. This is very different from nonwhites, who often read/watch and support creative properties featuring white people.

That is the most racist statement I've ever seen on imdb.


In a general sense it's true. Whites have a difficult time identifying with non-whites ad because they've been catered to in this country since it was founded, they don't have too. If a white person decided that for an entire year they would only watch tv shows and movies with white protagonists or read fiction books with white leads, what would they miss out on? Not much. Medea, Empire, and the Shondra shows.

Minorities don't have that option. If we decided to only watch shows and movies with minority leads our options are far fewer.

We can't even get two black people in a movie as lovers. Zoe Saldana, Halle Barry, and Thandie Newton are always paired up with white men. You'll never see Emma Stone, Emma Watson, or Jennifer Lawrence kissing up on an Asian or Latino man on film.

I'll miss you guys. RIP IMDB Boards.


Good tactic. Cherry pick one sentence and base your argument about that. I am referring specifically to people who don't give a damn about if the show is good. They just want to see diversity and don't care about the quality of the show. The fact that you don't even quote the whole sentence just shows you're not here to provide a rational discussion. You're just another person who needs to stand atop your cloud of fabricated moral superiority.
I'm Hispanic, not every non-white joins the retarded hive mind. Check your own arrogance and ignorance.
When you refer to white people not supporting properties about them, do you think that a French man will inherently give half a crap about a movie about the Irish Potato Famine survivors fleeing to America solely based on his whiteness? Because the world is not as black and white as you people pretend it is. Would a Puerto Rican inherently be interested in a movie about an illegal Mexican immigrant cutting grass to give his son a better life based entirely on his Hispanicness.
I'm going to write a comic about an Asian man becoming a mythical Maori warrior just to watch retarded hypocrites say nothing when it comes time to cast him.

I see another joker on the news telling me to play the fool.


I don't know where to start with this "false" outrage and sheer ignorance you've displayed. Retarded? Yeah, nothing shows ignorance more than a third grade insult, no one with the ability to reason would ever use.

So, you're Hispanic...a white Hispanic? I don't know and don't care what this means. C00Nery is very much real.

What you--a self-identified Hispanic--fails to get is that representation for certain groups is so bad/limited that they'd even take a crappy feature film/show than NO representation at all (see Native Americans in Twilight).

So, you're speaking out against the "retarded"; well, good for you, and good luck with your comic. A-hole.


False outrage is people like you in microcosm.
Retarded isn't a third grade insult, it's a medical condition that you should look into.
If you yourself used reason in your arguments you wouldn't have to cherry pick incomplete sentences to try and make an argument.

I see another joker on the news telling me to play the fool.


Cherry pick--is that the best you can come up with to justify your inane excuse and explanations. Okay.


I don't care that he's white, it's the curly hair that completely ruins it for me... what other curly-haired superheroes are there? No, Thor doesn't count, he has long curly locks. Also, in the comics for his tight head/mask costume to work he'd have to be bald for it to be skull-tight, not stuffing a big perm to make a giant bulge under the cloth.

Comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable


Some set pics show him with shorter hair so I guess he gets it cut before suiting up.


LOL you mad? No need to be butthurt, keep on blaming whitey for all your problems.

Glorious glory
