In a general sense it's true. Whites have a difficult time identifying with non-whites ad because they've been catered to in this country since it was founded, they don't have too. If a white person decided that for an entire year they would only watch tv shows and movies with white protagonists or read fiction books with white leads, what would they miss out on? Not much. Medea, Empire, and the Shondra shows.
Minorities don't have that option. If we decided to only watch shows and movies with minority leads our options are far fewer.
We can't even get two black people in a movie as lovers. Zoe Saldana, Halle Barry, and Thandie Newton are always paired up with white men. You'll never see Emma Stone, Emma Watson, or Jennifer Lawrence kissing up on an Asian or Latino man on film.
I'll miss you guys. RIP IMDB Boards.