I got no issue with Iron Fist being White and I'm a liberal. No it's not about being an entitlement culture, it's about not everyone in the world or this country are all White People. Not everything has to revolve around White People, there are other groups of people. However in the case of Danny Rand he's suppose to be a foreigner as a fish out of water character, so him being White makes sense and doesn't bother me in the slightest. Marvel from what I've seen clearly has no issue showing or representing diversity, they've actually done a pretty good job of it thus far, especially with their Netflix universe. They've even hinted at White Tiger in Jessica Jones, I'm hoping they do a White Tiger series because it would be nice for us Latinos to get represented as heroes to. However they've clearly had Hispanic characters appear in all the series as both allies and antagonist, I like that they showed Puerto Ricans in Harlem, especially since my mom happens to have been from Spanish Harlem. So Marvel has no issue with diversity, and I got no issue with Iron Fist being White because it fits who the character is suppose to be, being the foreigner/outsider.
As for whiny liberal nutjob, how would you like it if I was to bring up right wing nutjobs who are racists, sexist, homophobic and religious fanatics who also spend their time yelling about BS, particularly the White Christian genocide. Oh yeah and weren't those the same genius who were also complaining about how Luke Cage was racist because it didn't have enough White people or how Star Wars the Force Awakens was racist and sexist against White Men because the three new leads were Black, Hispanic and Female? Because no insanity or stupidity ever comes from the right at all.