MovieChat Forums > Logan (2017) Discussion > Ruined the good future from DOFP (SPOIL...

Ruined the good future from DOFP (SPOILERS)

At the end of DOFP 2023, Wolverine returned to an alternate future where Jean, Cyclops, Beast and Rogue survived all the previous movies and everything went back to normal...however, in this one year 2029, mutants are becoming extinct and Xavier apparently killed all the X-Men and other mutants nationwide during an epileptic seizure.....

Why though? There was no point in the happy ending to DOFP if they were gonna kill them all off down the road again, and what happened to original Magneto and Mystique, are they dead too?


This is another alternate future.


Good point.... I don't think Charles killed all the mutants, though. I think some of them were hunted down and others went into hiding.


I agree. It's really stupid that the mutant genocide is unavoidable, in the vein of Judgement Day being unavoidable in the Terminator series.

It's really lame that if you save the future from mutant killing Sentinels or not, there will always be a mutant genocide either way. i.e. Professor X killing all the mutants with his seizure and evil humans killing the mutants.
It just makes the X-Men movies feel useless. Plus the mutant genocide plotlines are old hat.


I didn't even think of that... That does suck. I mean, can't they have a future where mutants end up in charge or something? That would actually make more sense, and shake things up a bit. Like Magneto succeeds in stealing political power and his allies follow suit. The humans wouldn't have to be all dead, but maybe just in a lower position of power or something.


Ooh that's a great idea. A dark future where Magneto is in power and the US is basically like how the US is in Man In The High Castle


Thanks! Except I haven't seen Man in the High Castle, so I don't know exactly what you mean, lol.


As disneyprincess mentioned, this is not the DOFP timeline, which I consider the "canon" one. This is an alternate future, one where X-Men: Origins still took place, but DOFP didn't. Keep in mind that in one of the post-credit scenes of Last Stand Xavier managed to come back to life transferring his conscience into a brain-dead patient who -luckily- managed to look just like him. So Xavier being around isn't outside that continuity.


Yep. This film definitely tied into Origins, a timeline now erased, it can't possibly be from the new timeline of DOFP. This was just the end of the road in the original timeline. There's totally another Wolverine still happy and alive and butting heads with Cyclops.


"As disneyprincess mentioned, this is not the DOFP timeline, which I consider the "canon" one. This is an alternate future, one where X-Men: Origins still took place, but DOFP didn't. Keep in mind that in one of the post-credit scenes of Last Stand Xavier managed to come back to life transferring his conscience into a brain-dead patient who -luckily- managed to look just like him. So Xavier being around isn't outside that continuity."

Are we sure about that. What little I have read point to this taking place right after DOFP. And I agree with the OP, I liked how it restored the original timeline. I hate how this ruins that.

Please elaborate if u can~


If this was the future where DOFP didn't happen, there would still be sentinels around wiping mutants out.
