Hollow + ultimately PRETENTIOUS !!!
I just saw this film last night and I really enjoy the cinematography, and this was the only reason that I didn't walk out before it ended. Yes the acting was superb as well as the editing; however, the stories put together were atrocious that made me cringe and grin, especially when I saw what happened to Harvey Keitel and the reason behind it. ( no spoiler here, but what I could say about this part of film was : this is downright stupid I felt like shaking my head out of disbelief ).
This film's subject was mainly about aging and though this film was a complete waste of time like The Tree Of Life, I did get one thing out of this film was: Make Sure I Don't End Up Like Any Of These Characters Here, Please Please Please!!!
I can also give you an idea of what this film felt like ---lf the National Enquirer + Hello + Photo, these 3 magazine were to collaborate together to put out a coffee-table book with high gloss best quality papers and hi-definition printing and beautiful package box. This would be the production equivalent to this film !