Why another one?

These movies are just parodies at this point. I get they're going for the whole meta/horror/comedy trifecta and all but it hasn't worked with the last two Chucky movies. At this point a remake would be better, and maybe they could take some notes from Annabelle.

-When you're jaded enough everything can seem like a cliche-


Firstly Annabelle sucked.

Personally I hated Curse Of Chucky, it's a curse to the franchise. We suddenly have Jennifer Tilly as his 'wife' yet no kids exist now? Last we saw her she turned on him to be "Jennifer Tilly" and raise the kids. The end of that movie included him being sent to the little girl to play his little game of soul swapping, and the end he's still a doll being sent to Andy? Talk about lost the plot! If I were Andy I wouldn't be letting that doll out of my sight to wreck havoc again.


lol yeah I'm not saying Annabelle was good, I'm saying these guys could take a lesson or two from that film so they can see what works. The last movie was ok but then they had to add in Jennifer Tilly, I'm sorry but every time she's on the screen it goes from "horror" to "parody"

-When you're jaded enough everything can seem like a cliche-


Curse of Chucky was a great return to form. After the past few terrible Chucky films Curse was a surprise and I am actually interested in the follow up.

"I'm not a lady, I'm a journalist"



You know , some of us actually enjoy these movies . They dropped the comedy and went back to horror but you clearly didn't get that IF you saw Curse of Chucky. You may think the last 2 didn't work but not everybody shares your opinion. Some of us out there are actually happy another one is being done . There are those of us who actually enjoy getting to see our favorite actors/actresses reprise roles that we already loved seeing them in. Please feel free to stay home instead of seeing it in the theater and feel free to save your money when it is available for purchase since you have already passed judgement on a movie that hasn't even started filming yet.


The last two didn't work?
So "Seed" and "Curse" didn't work, but original,2,3, and "Bride" did?


Curse sucked? Are you f-cking high? Sure, the movie got boring pretty fast since they used only the manor for like 90% of the whole movie, save for the last 5-10 minutes of the film, but it was still a very solid comeback for Chucky. I mean we see a flashback of Charles Lee Ray as a human, back in 1988 before he was gunned down. Then there was the nice cameos; Tiffany is still amusing to watch, as long as she's only in snippets of the film and then best one, Andy Barclay is back, I almost had tears in my eyes. I was so worried that after the 3rd film, he'd end up in prison for Chucky's murders or an asylum, like his mother, who is also back as well. So let me get this straight, people hate Curse but like Halloween '07, A.K.A. Zombieween? What a crazy ass whole we live in?


You must of not seen Curse then? It dropped the comedy that we saw in the 4th and 5th ones. It went for straight horror. I was surprised at how good it was..much better than expected.


man I just wish they would bring back the original chucky but that will never happened ever cents the 3rd when he got chopped up i hate the remake of the doll designs they keep messing it up well besides the last one i was wow they came back with the original doll and then when that lady saw something hanging down his chin i was no way so it was all make up the whole time man i was upset the original doll of the 1st 3 films will be the best outta of all
