MovieChat Forums > Wish Man (2019) Discussion > First movie in many years to bring me to...

First movie in many years to bring me to tears

This movie is obviously not a big budget blockbuster, I doubt it will receive any oscars but I liked it better than any I have seen in a long time. I value being enlightened/inspired more than being entertained by films. This being a true story helped me appreciate it a lot more. I assumed Make a Wish Foundation was started by a billionaire or something. This story exemplifies how a simple man, a simple act of kindness can do so much, have a ripple effect and help so many. The message about how you can help yourself by helping others, I truly appreciate.
I have seen a lot in my life, had millions of dollars, spoiled myself in many ways... did whatever I want.... then lost most of the money. Had all too many other things in life really get me down. Went/going through significant, possibly severe depression for almost 2 years now. Just like Frank, I have been asking myself "Where's the epiphany?"... "What's the meaning of life?" Many of the things that used to make me happy no longer do. Hardly anything makes me happy now....except helping good people. Writing this, hoping maybe some stranger will get something out of it actually makes me happy.
I watched Wish Man on Christmas eve. For several weeks prior I had been really down in the dumps, corresponding and talking to others as little as I could. I often just wanted to lie down in a dark room. This year I was gonna skip out on the usual Christmas traditions being with close friends and family. After I watched this however, I felt better about it all. I texted/talked a lot more... felt like I helped cheer up others and I'm glad I did because you will never get this time back. I have realized one of the worst effects of depression is all the wasted time. Semi-spoiler alert..... this movie had me hugging my mother and thanking her for being so good to me.

Right out of high school I helped teach/mentor many troubled teenagers. I saw how cRAP music, movies and other media had such a negative influence on them. I wish..... Wish Man and other wholesomely enlightening movies would be appreciated more. I certainly appreciate Frank Shankwitz, all the people who helped tell this story for helping me through this tough time and making for a memorable, enjoyable Christmas. Without it I may have spent this Christmas in a dark bedroom.
At the beginning it says Frank was asked "What's your wish?".....
"To have my story told..."
Thank you Frank... for having your story told. I know it well help many just as your other acts of kindness have.
