MovieChat Forums > The Expanse (2015) Discussion > The Expanse entertainment value.

The Expanse entertainment value.

The first 8 episodes were really boring and slow. There were too many characters. And it was hard to follow who was with which group. But around episode 9 things started coming together and making sense. And most importantly, the interest and excitement level starting going up.

Episodes 9 through the second to last episode in season 3 were good. But the very last episode was kinda weird. It will be interesting to see where they take it after the conflict from the first 3 seasons seemed to be resolved (at least temporarily).

What do you think?


I am bedazzled by the back and forth between the bickering belter leaders, Camina Drummer and Klaes Ashford ... the characters and dialog just dazzle between these two. The regulars are fantastic. I would have never watched this show had it not been mentioned on PBS and piqued my interest. I am glad I did.

I have heard it was cancelled, then given one more season, then maybe picked up again, and cancelled? Do you know where it stands now? I'd really like to see it continue if they can go somewhere and maintain standards of acting and writing. Mostly for me it is the writing and the characters that I like.


Amazon Prime has picked it up for Season 4. I don't know if they have committed to more seasons or not.

There are (I believe) currently 8 novels in the series, with other novellas, as well. Season 3 finishes book 2 and begins book 3. So there is definitely more story to tell.


They wrapped book 3 in this season as well.
I hope they will skip book four - Miller's "quest" aside it really doesn't feel like something that would organically fit within this series.


Did they have to condense it? They must have, right? I'm only on chapter 4 or 5 ... I don't want to read ahead of the tv show. This is one of the few times I haven't read the book first, and I kind of like not knowing what's about to happen when I watch :-)


The hell? Too many characters? I thought it had a great pace.


I do rememebr feeling a bit overwhelmed at the start , before your invested in the characters you have to concentrate harder.
When I got to watch S2 , i flicked through the last ep of S1 as a refresher. It didnt work - i had to watch the whole of S1 again to get up to speed :)


I say, good riddance, and will cheer when the show gets canceled on Amazon.
