MovieChat Forums > The Expanse (2015) Discussion > Any other space sci-fi series as good as...

Any other space sci-fi series as good as this?

I've nearly finished season 1, and short of reading the books (which I'm intending to do), am somewhat at a loss for a good sci-fi series that can match it to watch next. To me it's the best sci-fi on TV since Battlestar Galactica (leaving aside the later seasons of that one).

Can anybody recommend anything else that comes close to The Expanse? Not really interested in "Adventure of the week" style space operas.


Oldies but goodies include.

Babylon 5
Space 1999
Blake's 7


I liked Andromeda & Farscape but probably not something you will want based on your last statement.


Farscape, Defiance.


The only other space sci-fi series I can think of in this decade are Dark Matter and Killjoys(both just finished season 2). But they are not as good as the Expanse.

In the 2000s, you could technically say all the Stargate series, though SGU and Atlantis are fairly campy(SG1 is better, but both are campy in a good way), and Stargate: Universe is darker in tone, but somewhat episodic. You also have Andromeda which is pretty campy(often not in a good way). Farscape is another space sci-fi which is fantastic if you can appreciate a show that pokes fun at itself, and the genre.

Space Above and Beyond is a great series I recommend from the 90s. It only got one season unfortunately. It was a ahead of its time. It'd probably play pretty well if it was aired today. Similar to how BSG was like contemporary military in space, so was SAaB. And based on what you seem to be looking for, I think you should check it out.

Dr. Who might count as a space sci-fi depending on your perspective. And then of course there's Trek and B5, along with their various spinoffs. B5 is definitely all about a series through-line.

Off the top of my head that pretty much covers space sci-fi for the last 3 decades.


Hmm, no one mentioning "Space: Above and Beyond"? ..been years but pretty sure IT wasn't in "Adventure of the week" style.. ALAS afik it's another cancelled series..?

And now that these forums are getting cancelled - Who gives a FRAG and #¤&%"(cursing in chinese) ;-)
Fly well and fast sci/fi-IMDBs and fight those big companies!


Babylon 5 While a bit dated is some of the best Space Sci-Fi i have ever seen. And it's an arc type story like the Expanse. Babylon 5 is Must see sci-fi for anyone who follows the genre.


Black Mirror is the best scifi series currently airing imo


Couple I'd reccomend;

Firefly, as mentioned.
Stargate SGU.
It is not 'great' but it's also not as corny as the other Stargate series, quite a bit more gritty. It also has some nifty science nerd parts. Hey, it must have been good, they canceled it!

Dark Matter is on it's 2nd season. It's pretty basic sci fi, but the budgets seem to be getting better after the first half of the first season. And the writing/acting are maturing as well.
If nothing else it's a not too heavy sci fi show to watch after work.

The old Star Trek Deep Space 9 is pretty good. It starts off corny, but quickly gets dark and complicated. There are a few zany episodes that will make you want to OD on xanax But for the most part its a slow burner with various intrigues and sub plots. Not Game of Thrones, but not Cowboy Captain Kirk either.

Hate to go there but I will, the current Doctor Who is not half bad.
It's actually more of a horror sci fi show than strict sci fi. But production values are not shabby, and writing/acting are decent. It's also quite a bit more fatalistic and dark than Tom Bakers DW. I mean, the whole Rory/Am thing how sad is that?

Not live action or in space, but the Anime series 'Ghost in the Shell' has a similar Bladerunner kind of vibe to it. Great animation and some pretty tight writing. it before the Scarjo live action version ruins it for you.
