MovieChat Forums > Empire (2015) Discussion > Why people say Mariah is black?

Why people say Mariah is black?

I mean goddamn people insist so much on it, one of her parents is afro venezuelan, she has some afro venezuelan blood, but that doesn't make her black, look at her skin tone, she has mixed ancestry.

"I feel you, pretty baby, feel me
Turn it up hot, lovin' you is free"


Because she identifies as being a black woman. She goes by the one drop rule.

She's not denying or hiding her history. I highly respect that.


Then she's being dumb, identifying as black doesn't mean you are.

"I feel you, pretty baby, feel me
Turn it up hot, lovin' you is free"


Then she's being dumb,

Then Halle Berry, Rachida Jones, President Barack Obama, Soledad O'Brien, Jesse Williams and many many others are just being dumb. Someone should let them know they aren't really black.


They're not black either.

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.


My dad's white, my mom is black. I don't identify, I AM BLACK!

I feel black, I look black, I AM BLACK!! BET motherf--ker!!


My dad's white, my mom is black. I don't identify, I AM BLACK!

Same here!!

"when they go low, we go high" - Michelle Obama


If a parent is black, yes it does.


Why does it bother you so? If she was denying being black at all, you and others would probably still have a problem.

Let the woman be. She's claiming her blackness. Don't hate her for it.


Her father was a black Latino, that means he was black which makes her half black so she's still black even though she has a white mom. That's why she's black,dumbass.


You think whites would accept her if she called herself white?
I'm Blade brown, the Dopest, ,hypest brotha, on the block!


Whites could care less..they have better things to do. And cacock oslama is a piece ofS hit Muslim!


White have always cared too much. That's why racism exists and some "Whites" were Black people that were passing since forever.


Why is anybody worried about what Mariah (or anybody for that matter) calls themselves? If she, as the daughter of a black parent calls herself black,what is wrong with that?


There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. People are who they are. But people that seem to need her to be White have a problem with it. I sdon't even know why the OP is making a big deal out of it.


I always knew of her ancestry but I always thought Mariah looked more like a light skinned black woman.


I always knew of her ancestry but I always thought Mariah looked more like a light skinned black woman.


@lukey: Actually her father is half Afro Venezuelan and black. And her mother is Irish. So there is no denying that she does have some black in her.


Afro venueluelan means its a black person born in venezuela ,or the venuzuelan culture.his "blackness: would be like the equivalent of a black person born in the united states.So she is half black.

Her mother I thought was Irish,but even if she is venuelan she looks like a white hispanic. IT still makes Mariah around half black.

I supposed she could call herself biracial.. but because there are other racial combinations than black and white until they come up with a specific name for the black white mix thats not offensive... MAybe she feels better saying she is black...because of the historical standards of blackness imposed by the powers that be.

"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains." -Warriorrenegade


She's not black, but America is still obsessed with the ODR.

Clark's destiny = Superman, LL &LL.
