why were ?? (spoiler)
the humans dressed as they were - alien like ??
shareThey tried to explain this in that they have been living on Mars and because its been 50 years since any humans had come to earth (since they lost the war and were forced away), they didn't know what kind of atmosphere to expect. Kind of believable as we don't know what they have to wear on Mars when outside any contained environments.
My biggest question is why the androids would want to not just forget the war (kind of understandable) but think they are human? And how could they be fooled for 50 years that they were humans? No aging? Never had to fix a cut...hey, there are wires!
I have to believe that if we were advanced enough to colonize Mars, we'd be advance enough to have a probe assess the Earth's environment. There is a ton of shit wrong with this movie, your list hits a lot of them.
I would imagine if you live like immortal slaves, designed to act and behave human except with the higher purpose of serving masters ... once you break free, all you know is that way of life.
So they were brainwashed to think they were free humans, because the alternative they knew of, was to think they were slave humans.
In the end of the day, and I guess the point of the movie, there is no real difference.
But the real reason from the the director is they had to figure out how to make us think they were aliens, and not or contemporary humans.