I Really Hated Minnie

She came off more annoying than anything to be honest. Way too whiny and needy not to mention she is just so unattractive. Could they find an uglier girl to play the part?

On top of that this movie is not a true representation of teen female sexuality at all. I never met a 15 year old girl that was so mature or good at sex or that confident in her sexuality. This movie was a miss


You're the one who sounds whiny.
She was realistic. She was 15. She wasn't supposed to be glamorous. and she was making mistakes, she was just enjoying her blossoming sex life. Nothing wrong with that.


Nothing about the way that Minnie was handled was "realistic"

So realism is a 15 year old ugly girl having a very mature sexual relationship with her moms boyfriend which leads her into lesbianism, threesomes, hardcore drugs, alcohol, and random sex with boys?

Cause having known many 15 year old girls in my 24 years I am sure that is not what happened to most of them. Many 15 year old girls ARE still virgins despite popular belief and girls think about boys a lot but not getting *beep* hard" as Minnie kept putting it

"Live Fast, Die Young"


You sound awfully naive. Maybe you should get out more.


I grew up in the era in which the film takes place. Phoebe Gloeckner is a few years younger than me, three I think. The depiction of teen sexuality *for that time period* is very realistic. I knew girls just like her. Most of them weren't sleeping with their mom's boyfriend, but aside from that specific, I have known girls like Minnie.

If you are currently 24 years old, you have grown up in a more sexually repressed time than that in which the story takes place.


I grew up in the 90's and knew girls like Minnie. At least she had a happy ending and didn't get pregnant.


it's 1 girl in an uncommon situation, why are you expecting it to fit your experience? it certainly happens, and as others have testified it may happen more than you think.

Plot hole - Aspect of a film that is misunderstood or missed while using your smart phone.


She was an ugly ungrateful little slut. She seduced her mother's attractive boy friend, and when he developed feelings for her (according to herself, maybe he didn't), she turned around and behaved like "I am better than you", oh how exactly was that, Minnie?


Nothing about the way that Minnie was handled was "realistic"

Minnie is the exception. As a rule, 15 year old girls aren't like her. But they do exist and make for interesting stories.

I'm a real kewl kat.🐈


I completely agree.

Now please world don't go about saying that teenage girls are all like Minnie, because generalising that would be as bad as generalising that girls don't want to explore sex at all. Minnie is the other extreme, not the norm.

However, all articles and reviews I've read from critics (even in large newspapers) say that Minnie is the true girl teenager and the rest are not. CAREFUL THERE!


In your 24 years. Well that says it all right there. You do realize that the norm and legal age just 50-100 years ago was 14. The 70s were way different than now You speak of what you don't know.


Good answer polyester-queen.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


One of the reasons you hated her was that you didn't find her attractive? That's pretty stupid and shallow.

I think she was beautiful in her own way, but does it even matter? Are there not enough homogenous pretty blondes in films for you? We could do with more people of unconventional appearance on screen.


This must be one of the most dumbass posts I've ever seen on imdb.

Yo momma



Yeah isn't it nuts to hire a Jewish girl to play the lead of a Jewish girl the film was based on I.e the book. DOH! It would be just as crazy to hire a neonate to play you in your bio. Lol



Mate, I'm not saying this is definitely going to happen, but I suspect there may come a time in a few years when you look back on these posts and feel really, really super embarrassed.


It's always a good idea as a guy to teach others about how a teenage girl feels and thinks.



Ok we get it you think she's unattractive, you don't have to say it more than once, once was rude enough. You sound awfully superficial and naive. To first say its unrealistic for someone ugly to have a lot of sex is ridiculous. And for her to be 15 and want a lot of sex, or have sex with an older guy....

It's very realistic. First of all she is not "ugly" she might not be traditionally pretty, but contrary to superficial people like you...beauty and sexiness is in the eye of the beholder and the chemistry between two people. You wouldn't think it's realistic for gorgeous women to fall in love with "ugly" or unattractive men but it happens all the dman time. Yes there are gold diggers, but many women fall in love with average looking men who arent rich every day.

As for her age and her sexual prowess--- I don't know where you grew up but when I was 15, most girls in my grade had lost their virginity and had sex lives. Or were hooking up hardcore and everyone in my grade constantly talked about sex starting around that age. My grade, and many teenagers from that generation in the film, to my generation grew up too quickly. Obliviously not all girls were like that, but a lot. My three best girl friends, we were all inseperable, they all lost their virginity in high school. Two of them at 15, and both of them were then having constant sex, and did start partying more and explort ed being a teenager and having fun...the third friend losing hers at 17. I lost mine when I was 20 because I was the opposite of someone like Minnie and her friend. I wasn't ready to be sexual in High school. Lots of girls in my grade were very sexual and sexually confident. I couldnt relate, but it was true.

But your post is ridiculous and just makes you sound shallow and close minded.


How do you know its not a true representation, did you live through the 70s. I think not. I bet you've never met any girl let alone a 15 year old one. Don't let your lack of experience cloud your judgement.


You sound super sheltered and naive. This kind of behavior is actually pretty common for 15 year olds. I'm 25 and knew of plenty of girls like this a decade ago, and from what I hear, I dare say it's starting way earlier in age nowadays
