Ok we get it you think she's unattractive, you don't have to say it more than once, once was rude enough. You sound awfully superficial and naive. To first say its unrealistic for someone ugly to have a lot of sex is ridiculous. And for her to be 15 and want a lot of sex, or have sex with an older guy....
It's very realistic. First of all she is not "ugly" she might not be traditionally pretty, but contrary to superficial people like you...beauty and sexiness is in the eye of the beholder and the chemistry between two people. You wouldn't think it's realistic for gorgeous women to fall in love with "ugly" or unattractive men but it happens all the dman time. Yes there are gold diggers, but many women fall in love with average looking men who arent rich every day.
As for her age and her sexual prowess--- I don't know where you grew up but when I was 15, most girls in my grade had lost their virginity and had sex lives. Or were hooking up hardcore and everyone in my grade constantly talked about sex starting around that age. My grade, and many teenagers from that generation in the film, to my generation grew up too quickly. Obliviously not all girls were like that, but a lot. My three best girl friends, we were all inseperable, they all lost their virginity in high school. Two of them at 15, and both of them were then having constant sex, and did start partying more and explort ed being a teenager and having fun...the third friend losing hers at 17. I lost mine when I was 20 because I was the opposite of someone like Minnie and her friend. I wasn't ready to be sexual in High school. Lots of girls in my grade were very sexual and sexually confident. I couldnt relate, but it was true.
But your post is ridiculous and just makes you sound shallow and close minded.