Ya sorry I am going to have to call BS here. How can one call BS on the actual writers of the story? I'll show you.
In showing what happens next, we deliberately want to leave it open to interpretation. It's unclear to Eric if the machine is going to choose randomly if Eric doesn't votes
(like a no-vote scenario) or if it will kill them BOTH if he doesn't vote, like a regular tie does.
TrueWe also leave it open as to whether or not Eric actually does vote just as we cut to black. We always liked the idea of letting the audience decide if he perhaps found a conscience in those final moments.
FalseSo disappointed. This may have been your intention. It may have been what you wanted to show in the movie. It may be PR backpedaling so as not to upset certain groups but that is NOT what you depicted in the movie. There are a lot of hypothetical, possible interpretations for different scenes but this IS NOT one of them.
1 minute runtime before this as you claim "hypothetical choice" that Eric makes he is smiling and laughing with relief at being the last one standing and has just killed a little girl and pregnant woman simultaneously. There is not a shred of remorse or regret in his body language, face or words. Not One. As a matter of fact as the countdown starts he is screaming in desperation saying things like "What I am not good enough for you? Not the one you wanted? Defiance and anger. No sadness and no regret. No discernable empathy of any kind for the two lives he just killed.
So again. I call BS. Liar liar pants on fire. Not only that but I kind of lose some respect for you guys. This comment this statement you just made doesn't match up with every other answer you give her. Doesn't match up with how your film is represented or with much of anything else that occurs in the film.
For some reason suddenly post production when it's too late to make changes your narrative for this one scene this VERY PIVOTAL scene changes? I don't buy it.
Take your pick on why you are lying but none of them are good.
1. The original vision you had for the film was for the film itself to end with the light shining over the belly of the pregnant woman fading to black. Cue credits. But distributors or producers whoever they may be decided this was an uneven ending and that you needed to show the after effects of the game. You needed an epilogue so viewers would understand or wouldn't be upset not knowing what Earth looked like after the game. Not knowing if people survived or not. If you truly wanted an open ended hypothetical up for interpretation ending this is the ONLY way that would have been achieved. Basically like the end of Inception.
But because you have that epilogue scene which now that I am pissed at the lying intentionally or otherwise I find myself unable to hold back on the criticism. SUCKED. Felt entirely out of place in the film. Had terrible CG, made barely any sense, and seemed entirely random and poorly paced. THEN IF YOU DIDN'T have that scene you could claim you left it open ended as to whether or not Eric killed the unborn child.
But you didn't. So you can't backpedal and say that you did.
To add insult to injury you are actually insulting the intelligence of your audience by even expecting them to believe you. There is nothing in that final 5 minutes that shows or implies in any way that Eric would not kill ANYONE to survive that room. Ending and fading on the pregnant woman's belly wouldn't have changed this but it would have made for a better ending.
I am pissed off and can't really hide it because you kind of shot yourself in the foot. Your team made this bold controversial film that pushes all the buttons that get people worked up and then you say in the most pivotal moment of the film. Oh no no no we don't show Eric killing the baby. He might not of killed the baby. Maybe he did maybe he didn't but we aren't monsters we aren't going to show it to you. For the record it's good that you didn't show it. Not because it would upset people but because it lends a more Alfred Hitchcock style suspense of "you know it happened but you don't have to see it" When the writing is good enough to imply something happening without actually showing it and yet your reader or viewer can still understand it. That is the mark of good writing.
But when you come on here and BACKPEDAL on your own damn movie. You are taking a massive dump on your own film. Your credibility. It's a real shame because until I read that blatant lie I thought you guys had created this really cool creative groundbreaking cinematic critique of society. Now? I just feel like made something cool and controversial entirely on accident and are answering peoples questions as neutrally as you can so as not to upset either side of the argument. Basically though your movie tackles these subjects when it comes to the most pivotal scene in your entire film. The most controversial one your "explanation" is expectiing gullibility from your audience to believe something you have no indication of in your film.
There is a specific reason this pisses me off so much and has very little to do with you guys because I think you were probably strong armed into it. I consider myself a politically correct person and I always have but now all of a sudden in the last 5 years? People seem to feel like they have the right to dictate what a writer or director can put in their book or movie. What they are and are not willing to accept in a FICTIONAL story. Writers and directors constantly apologizing for things their characters did or that they wrote happened to. Having to defend their own FICTIONAL works to the masses. It has gotten absolutely ridiculous.
So though I am calling you out with a freaking spotlight I understand why you did it I just wish you could of stuck to your guns and not backpedaled and not given in. A terrible tyrant of a man has killed thousands of people and enslaved thousands more but oh no no he would never ever rape someone or kill a child. Villains have standards too.
We are about 30 years away (if we are lucky) from having some disney films censored so as not to offend with certain words or actions. And there were some Disney Films 50 years ago that WERE GENUINELY OFFENSIVE in big ways but the ones right now aren't. People are now looking for things to be offended by. This has gotten so out of hand that people now take offense to people taking offense to things that the people who are now offended got offended by. I mean what the hell kind of twilight zone nonsense is this!
Whether people want to believe it or not there are a lot of kids out there who grow up like Larry the Cable guy where the tv is their babysitter. So I ask this simple question. If we sanitize and eliminate every possible terrible,awful, wrong thing from our books, movies, tv shows, and videogames. What will there be left for people to learn they shouldn't do? Common sense should say. Don't kill people don't rape people. Yet unfortunately many in the world learn what they should or shouldn't do based off of what they read, watch and play. Oh the villain killed that guy and he went to jail. I guess I shouldn't kill people they say. Oh that guy raped that girl and he went to jail and it really hurt her and destroyed her life and tore her family apart. This tells me rape is wrong.
It's terribly depressing that so many learn what not to do by seeing it depicted in a fictional way but it is the way it goes. It should be depicted and it should NEVER be glorified.
So I am pissed off that when you made a bold controversial movie when it really mattered at the most pivotal moment you are backpedaling. Oh no we don't want to say explicitly that Eric killed that child because then reviewers and people who watch our film might think we endorse killing unborn children!
NO WE WON'T!!! We will think Oh ok Eric did just trick 48 people into killing themselves and eachother so ya I buy it he probably is evil enough to kill a baby too. It makes sense to me that he would cross that line.
So this rant is just pleading to you to not compromise your vision for a film because "people's feelings might get hurt" You should always stand behind what you create and so many writers are rolling over backwards apologizing for killing characters in a certain way. I am a writer myself and I have dozens of unfinished projects things I could have released 10 years ago? But now with our overly sensitive new rules and regulations for what a story can and cannot contain not a chance none of them will probably see the light of day. Because the villains are too evil and the good guys aren't good enough and not all the good guys win and not all the bad guys are punished. And that's just a no no now in this new world we live in.