overuse of hypnosis?

Hypnosis does not work that way. You cannot just walk up to someone and hypnotize them like that. I watched a hypnotism show once and they cooperated and it took a while. Late in the show the host stood on a young lady's abdomen while her feet and head were supported by chairs it was amazing, something I will never forget.

Yes it was a fantasy and all but they really overdid the hypnotism thing. Seems other magicians are immune in this fictional universe? Maybe they train their minds to reject it?


Yeah, that really annoyed me. It was kind of like if Obi Wan Kenobi used the Jedi mind trick to solve every conundrum in Star Wars.

It's too bad really, the concept for these movies is a fun one, and it could've been done well. But instead of relying on the actual ways in which magicians work, which would have been both educational and a lot more interesting, they just turn it into a kind of lazy, boring magic (in the fantasy sense of the term) that can solve pretty much any problem.



I started to think 'oh no, not this again!'

It was too easy for them


It made me think of The Mentalist. He hypnotized people quickly, as well. But for some reason that never bothered me as much. Maybe he was more calm and they didn't do ridiculous things. This movie was entertaining, but so over the top I had to check out my brain.


"Do you feel fortuitous? Well, do you? Hooligan?"


It irritated me immensely. I was trying to remember whether it was such a crutch in the first movie, but from other people's reactions I guess not. Don't really remember it cropping up at all, but here it was just an easy cop-out for every impossible situation.


I seem to remember it being a big crutch in the first movie too. Really, a shockingly silly plot device.
