overuse of hypnosis?

Hypnosis does not work that way. You cannot just walk up to someone and hypnotize them like that. I watched a hypnotism show once and they cooperated and it took a while. Late in the show the host stood on a young lady's abdomen while her feet and head were supported by chairs it was amazing, something I will never forget.

Yes it was a fantasy and all but they really overdid the hypnotism thing. Seems other magicians are immune in this fictional universe? Maybe they train their minds to reject it?


You were actually hypnotized into thinking this


Most of the people 'hypnotized' in a magic show are assistants positioned in the audience.

REAL hypnosis NEVER works the way its portrayed on stage, and it's even more absurdly applied in this film with random people not in on the trick beforehand.


Exactly, I doubt most magicians in real life know any hypnosis at all - it was just used as a prop or excuse in the shows on the stage. As examples, one often sees the magician hypnotize his pretty assistant and make her levitate, or do other things to her like saw her in half or insert sharp objects through her body. Of course, none of these things really happens, and she does not really float through the air, nor is she impervious to pain.

The main problem with this movie was that not only did the scriptwriters take their hypnosis and mind control for real, but the "magicians" could make them work in the fraction of a second on completely random people. As I said in another post, in that case why did they pass on the playing card from one to another while being searched and interrogated, instead of just walking through all the guards?


"they really overdid the hypnotism thing"

Yes, they did, and that's part of what ruined this movie for me. That, and the ridiculous card-throwing scene, where they were passing it to each other. Very stupid.

I enjoyed the first movie very much, but this took it to a new level of ridiculousness.


I was ok with the card throwing scene. That was preternatural reflexes, ALMOST impossible yes but emphasis on the "almost", at least it is within the realm of the laws of physics even if it is extremely difficult. I am fine with it. But just walking up to someone and hypnotizing them is just silly.


The problem with the card scene was that it was completely unnecessary. Why in the hell, if you're trying to get out with the card, would you keep throwing it to someone right before they're being searched? It started and ended in Franco's possession. He could have held on to it almost that complete time and it wouldn't have changed the outcome.


The problem with the card scene was that it was completely unnecessary.


But I thought it was fun.

Silly? Sure. Unnecessary? Alright.

But fun.


Yeah, totally overused. I know you're supposed to suspend disbelief but it was way over the top.


That was the only thing that bugged me in the film. Way to much hypnosis.


Yeah, that was one of the problems for me, too. And having Jack hypnotize Chase wasn't even needed. He only hypnotized him to give him the idea to throw them out of the plane. But one of the horsemen gave them the idea anyway, once they were on the plane (I don't remember which one, but someone said something like "they're probably just going to throw us off the plane now that they have the chip, anyway").


Merritt said that after he said that Walter & Co. wouldn't have had Lula's throat cut because she'd be bleeding all over the seats.


85% of the magic tricks in the movie are impossible. So it really doesn't matter. Nearly all their big tricks are just CGI.


indeed... its extremely far fetched. you really need to leave all common sence at the door when watching this,,it bothered me so much i couldnt enjoy it. just soooo stupid
