Well, that would be like having an issue with almost every plot ever when it comes to box offices movies. It's always some improbable world ending device or some *beep* like that. Didn't fast and the furious 7 have something like this? Some USB drive with a software that would allow you to tap into pretty much every camera in the world, including phone cameras, laptops, etc. I mean, come the *beep* on...
But the movie has cars falling from the sky and the rock shooting helicopters down with his handgun, so I really don't mind it, just as I don't mind it in this movie. They have rain flying upwards, smart people inside a plane that can't tell isn't flying. I mean god, nobody asked "hey wtf, I thought opening the door in mid air was more dangerous than this! Anyway, lets keep drinking champagne!" They even have Mark Ruffalo going all Jackie Chan on a bunch of random thugs in a market, using magic martial arts or something, all without having to transform into the hulk mind you. So badass.
So yeah, the whole chip thing accessing every computer just felt as dumb as every other thing in these movies but I don't know why I enjoy them so much, probably because of what my wife says, she always calls me a frustrated magician, since I am always doing tricks to people and used to buy a lot of magic stuff when I was a kid. It is the only explanation I have for liking these two very poorly made movies.
I'm the guy who makes the "worst movie ever" thread in your favorite movie board