Question on the scene where they faked an air flight. I've seen that exact thing in something else. Where the passengers are tricked into thinking they are really in the air, when actually they never left the ground. An old movie or TV episode? I know I've seen it, but can't put my finger on it. Any help...Thanks.
I remember the passengers were to beleve they were travelling in a storm. To simulate thunder there were huge curtains of sheet metal being banged on with baseball bats.
There was an episode of Leverage about the Spruce Goose where they trick the mark into thinking he's flying an airplane when really they never left the ground. I'm sure there are many other examples in movie and tv. It's not exactly an original idea
Quite right, people here cannot pinpoint exactly where similar scenes had appeared because the idea was not new and in fact varieties of the same idea (the villain being duped into believing that he had made a journey somewhere while in fact he hadn't) had been used many times before in movies and TV. I am pretty sure, for example, that this trick had been used sometime by the team in the old Mission Impossible TV series.
I do recall one later MI TV episode where Phelps and Nimoy's character have to trick an old Nazi into revealing his secrets by getting him onto a fake submarine and then the entire crew (but not the Nazi) get out right before the East German Stasi show up. Of course it's easier to have a fake sub because you have no windows.
This picture contains no physical depiction of the Godhead.
Hmmm...I saw Ascension. I don't remember what it was about. Were they banging on sheet metal to make thunder sounds? Thanks.
No. It was a supposed to be a generation/ark spaceship that launched in the 1960's to a planet orbiting Proxima Centauri. But like the airplane scene, it was ultimately revealed the ship never left Earth. And the "simulated gravity" was explained as the ship's engines constantly creating 1G of thrust.
-------- The movie has a plot hole?!? EVERY FRIGGIN' MOVIE HAS A FRIGGIN' PLOT HOLE!!!!! reply share
I don't know about any movie but there are films on youtube about friends pranking someone who thinks he is going to bungee jump and then lands on a mattress or then falls into water. Which is funny too :D.