MovieChat Forums > Now You See Me 2 (2016) Discussion > Lizzy Caplan was much better than Isla f...

Lizzy Caplan was much better than Isla fisher

Caplan was much more entertaining, I enjoyed her character much more. Henley was never the most exciting character so wasn't too upset too see her gone, plus it took out that annoying somewhat romantic tension between her and Atlas that just made everything awkward. But does anyone agree that Lizzy was much better?


I agree. I didn't care much for Isla's character in the first film but Lizzy was so great! I loved Lula.



Yeah I liked her better that Isla she added this nice little energy to the film.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


I value continuity what explanation is there (other than the actor dropping out) for Isla not being there?

I did like Lula. I have an intelligence fetish and being a master magician counts as a form of intelligence to me. Yes its just a movie but I got majorly turned on by her.


Fisher's character broke up with Eisenberg and left the group.


She was able to contribute by not really taking it seriously, which is something that a movie like this needs.

Hello...My name is Inigo Montoya...You killed my father...prepare to die.


I TOTALLY agree! Caplan was great; Fisher was just OK. Though I might not like her just because she's married to Sacha Barron Cohen, and I think he's SO annoying...


maybe she can return in the 3rd movie as a jilted lover seeking revenge? ahahah


If they are making the third movie, they have confirmed they will bring both Lula and Henley.


Disagree. I found myself missing Henley. I actually have the feeling that the female part of the script was totally written for Henley, but they had to drop "Lula May" in at the last minute when Isla Fisher dropped out. I kept imagining Isla Fisher saying her lines. The opening scene with Lulu on the couch was something that was probably written for Henley. Them having a fun afternoon together in their apartment and playing a prank on Daniel when be walked in. And the untying/introduction scene with her explanation of Henley's absence was probably just supposed to be a little seduction scene between Henley and Daniel. Lol. Lulu's humor was funny. I think she would have been a fun additional character. But I like Henley. Hope they find a way to write her back in for part 3. (I read there will be a part 3.)?


I would rather state the opposite (: I loved Isla Fisher's character and they way it was developed throughout the movie. She had a different but pleasant elegance and strength. Lizzy Caplan was also great, but I missed Henley, to be honest!


Lizzy Caplan gave one of the worst performances that I ever have seen in films.


Completely agree. I'm not a huge fan of Isla Fisher, but Lizzy was way worse. She was just 100% wrong for this franchise. Every time she was on-screen I just wanted her to shut up and go away.


I agree. I found lizzy caplin to be incredibly irritating. I felt her scenes with the other horsemen were very forced. It was like every line she had, had to be funny or witty in some way. Sorry, that persona wears thin very quickly. Why couldn't she talk a bit normally some of the time? It was like her lines were superimposed on a finished script from above. It was like their were 2 scripts running at the same time: Lizzy Caplin's script and everybody else's.

Furthermore, I think it was ridiculous the way she was given equal status with the existing horsemen as soon as she appeared at the start of the film. She should have been the back stage help, not dave franco who is a legitimate horseman. This was obviously political correctness - having the inexperienced female magician displacing the experienced male magician. Give me a break!

Also, her solo performance towards the end of the film was farcical. Here she was being cocky and flippant again, while performing an act which was messy and incoherent. I had no idea what this scene was about. What was she supposed to be doing magic wise except releasing a pigeon? I don't know how she got all those people to watch her performance - they would have been sadly disappointed at the end of it.

Anyway, lizzy caplin completely ruined the film for me. I hope I don't have to see her in anything else anytime soon. As an aside, her face looked very wrong to me, her huge jaw, reminds me of bigfoot silva in the ufc.


I absolutely agree. In the trailer, I felt that I missed Henley so much for her not being on the screen. Instead, I saw the movie last night and felt in love with Lizzy's character. But they didn't explain what happened to Henley as much as I focused my attention on it.


Atlas said she was tired of waiting for the Eye to make a move and finally assign them (the Horsemen) a mission, so she left to gain her freedom again. But nothing more than that.


100% agree! Something about Isla's character felt too perky and a little fake. Caplan is kind of out there and very entertaining. Her dynamics jived better too with all the guys. :)

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