MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2014) Discussion > When did you notice a drop in quality?

When did you notice a drop in quality?

For me, it was Like halfway through season 3. When they just kept dragging the Savitar mystery. It's like they were just making it up along the way. They weren't coming up with anything interesting for the character.

And Barry started taking a backseat. Something that kept happening as the show went on. Also "team flash" was unnecessarily too bloated . Focus on unnecessary characters & things. Way too many people "hanging out" in Star Labs. The villains of the week were uninteresting & forgettable. So were the main villains.

The season long arcs kept dragging & just weren't engaging anymore & the writing was all over the place & straight up inconsistent. It just lost its magic after the first 2 seasons

Literally the same thing happened to Arrow after season 2.


In Season 2, when I realized that they were just rehashing the season long story arc from Season 1.

Really, this show would have worked better with the first season being a 12-part mini-series and the rest of the seasons being not at all made.


I think most, of not all Arrowverse shows would've benefited from shorter episodes. Cause stretching a single arc over an entire season was a bit much for them.

Especially after their first & second seasons. The stories just became stale & uninteresting after the midsession finale.


It's had its ups and downs. I thought it was pretty good until this season.


It was watchable but for me personally, Season 1 of the Flash was one of my favorite ComicBook shows. Looking back, it's honestly been a massive drop in quality


Season 3 of Legends of Tomorrow explore more of Eobard Thawne, as well as Damien Darhk, and Malcolm Merlyn. I thought that might interest you since Harrison Wells' Thawne was the baddie on season 1 Flash.

It seems to me that the only show that didnt drop in quality was Arrow (at least until season 8) whereas the other shows Flash, DC's Legends of Tomorrow had amazing first seasons and then began slowly dropping off by season 4.

Maybe its hard to write for these shows?


I liked Arrow seasons 1 through 7. Something I noticed is some times Arrow would have a baddie he has to fight that he actually triumphs over before the season is over and then a new one steps in the limelight to be the seasons "big" enemy. I enjoyed that change of pace. Its nice to have bad guys come into focus and leave focus throughout the season than to focus on a single enemy the whole time. Because then you know they arent going to defeat that enemy until the seasons final episode. This is why Flash became tedious for me, is because it always had one major villian that was in focus for that season and they only triumphed in the final episode of that season.

To answer your initial question, I stopped watching Flash after episode 2 of season 6. I just lost interest. I got tired of the premise and began noticing more things about situations and characters I did not like. You nailed it with "too many people just hanging out in star labs" it basically became a friendly batcave. Also the intelligent characters were used for many situations that made no sense. For example Caitlyn Snow was helping Cisco hack into a computer...WHAT? Just because the lady has a doctorate in physics doesnt mean she would know jack squat about computer programming!!! At least in Arrow, Felicity Jones was a computer programmer and thats why she knew how to hack. But in Flash you'll notice that if a character is "intelligent/genius" they suddenly can do any "intelligent" task that the scene requires. NOPE. When people get a masters degree in something, they are focusing all their time and energy into that particular field. So they dont have this all around genius knowledge on everything just because they are a genius. Thats why people with multiple doctorates are rare. It takes a lot of time and energy to obtain all that knowledge. This is like when theres any tech in Marvel they just say the magic word "nanoparticles" to explain away how it just works. "Genius people are gonna be genius".


Something I noticed is some times Arrow would have a baddie he has to fight that he actually triumphs over before the season is over and then a new one steps in the limelight to be the seasons "big" enemy. I enjoyed that change of pace. Its nice to have bad guys come into focus and leave focus throughout the season than to focus on a single enemy the whole time. Because then you know they aren't going to defeat that enemy until the seasons final episode. This is why Flash became tedious for me, is because it always had one major villain that was in focus for that season and they only triumphed in the final episode of that season.

They did that on season 3 of The Flash. Alchemy was the big bad until Savitar came along.


Its been awhile since I've seen the early seasons, maybe this is why I held on watch until season 6?

I remember it happening more in Arrow though.
