Done with this show

I'm sick of the show focusing on the women.


So, today, you say you’re done with this show, but, 5 months in the future, you say you’re not going to watch it any more. Please explain.

I won’t hold my breath.


Not only am I not going to watch Flash anymore, but after today I've added The Boys to the list. I will no longer watch racist shows that portray whites as racist. I'm fucking done with it.


The irony of your screen name is mindblowing


I always say the same thing every year about all of the Arrowverse shows but I still end up coming back because I have nothing better to watch.


I only held on this long to see Arrow off, Dibney was the last straw


I don't have a problem with that focus, but the show is just way too gloomy now. It's supposed to be fun. They could mix in serious episodes without everything being a downer.


Agreed. I miss when this show was fun and lighthearted. It's starting to feel more like Arrow lately and not in a good way.




You can watch Joel Schumachers Batman to get your bat butt and nipple fix XDDDDD


I watched some random episodes and the show is definitely.....grating. The forced diversity and checkboxes actually do the opposite effect of inclusion and diversity and reducing racism imo.
I'm a liberal guy and to me, what works is great story, great characters and perfect casting to tell a good story. The color and ethnicity of chars is not relevant and then these things fade away and everyone enjoys things.
A random episode shows a female speedster called Meena Dhawan representing the brown people from India, Pakistan etc. My ques is then why doesn't the show switch to Hindi or other ethnic dialogs? Why force English?

You see how ridiculous things start to get? Now if you have a show called The Flash, then it should just be about the Flash and that's it. No need to introduce chars who have the same powers and show some forced agendas. It ruins the show.

Consider a show like Stargate. It had fantastic casting, great camaraderie, dialogs, story etc. There were people of various ethnicities, nationalities and aliens etc. It all worked really well and no one really brought up anything other than the story because only that mattered as it should be.

All that simple thing seems to be lost today. You can't fix racism by going overboard and swinging the other way. Morgan Freeman said it best to How do you fix racism? Stop talking about it.


Is this one of the several CW shows that got the axe last week?
