MovieChat Forums > The Flash (2014) Discussion > Can someone explain what is so good abou...

Can someone explain what is so good about this

Plot holes, bad cheesy acting, predictable, repetitive etc. Much better shows have been cancelled, why is this still carrying on?


Because of the production costs / viewers ratio.


Also, kids love it. It's shiny and sparkly.


Season 1 was pretty great. Everything since then has been garbage


I wouldn't say great, it was average until the final 3- 4 episodes which were great. This did give false hope for season 2, which went back to being rubbish again.


That's because Season 1 was based on an unused movie script, so it had a cohesive story arc throughout the entire season. All of the subsequent seasons had no such thing and it shows.


Season 1 was good.Then it suffered the same fate as Smallville eventually did.They started giving everyone and their mother a super power and it slowly morphed into a Saturday morning cartoon.


Smallville didn't do that really. The only non hero series regular who got powers was Chloe. Lana doesn't count because she got powers and then left the show like two episodes later. I assume you mean that they added characters with powers to the show? Which is not the same as what the current CW shows do which is give every non hero powers. Why is Barry the hero of the show again? What sets him apart from the other three speed characters? Oh, that's right, nothing!

One of many things Smallville excelled at that none of the current DC shows get right is that Clark was the hero. He was one of a kind. Not just his powers. He had the heart, head, and resolve that set him apart from every other hero on the show. He called the shots, he didn't make mistakes often, he always lived up to the title of hero.

The problem with these DC shows is Greg Berlanti. He's in charge of them all and he doesn't know what he's doing. Hey, Greg, a lesson doesn't need to be learned EVERY episode. He has one of these supposed heroes acting out of character, making dumb mistakes, or misunderstanding basic human emotions EVERY single episode because apparently that's the only story he knows how to tell.

Of course heroes need to learn sometimes and of course there'll be drama on the team but only a few times per season and NOT every episode. Why? Because it makes the heroes look bad. It makes them look dumb, and childish, to the point where you don't respect their characters anymore. Actually to the point where they no longer are specific characters because you constantly have them doing inexplicably dumb and out of character things.

The only CW DC show I can currently stand is Legends of Tomorrow. It has the best cast with the most diverse personalities and it's just a fun, wacky, ride.


I really hate it when they do that and they do that to every super hero show out there. Even characters who would be way more interesting if they didn't have any powers.



You can turn your brain off for an hour and just be entertained. Sometimes that really hits the spot.


Can't argue with that, a very honest answer.


The worst part is the Flash being so bad at fighting, even though he has super speed. But if you set that aside, a lot of episodes are fun, the actors are good, the tone is mostly upbeat, the season long story arcs (minus Cicada) are pretty menacing, and there's a camaraderie among the team that you just don't find on other shows.

Plus Danielle Panabaker. and Joe West. and Cisco. even Ralph.


