whaaat ?? spoilers

how does this killer get everywhere so *beep* fast. its like he knows all the rooms in the building and he has also time to set up this dead bodies hang in like a Christmas tree

this teens are also just running around this empty holes splitting up for no reason and not picking up a phone, knife or Anything

this killer seems to only kill sinners but they war not all seiners or maybe the were but they just didn't show it to as but l guess the kane was ghost then since he knows that and also doesn't seem to die

what do you Thing he did after he killed the last man if there will be evil dead 3
i guess he just walk around and kills everybody


Yeah, he got around a lot but that's part suspending belief, these directors are new and I think they got carried away with the gore and lost focus here and there.

As a religious nut job, he sees EVEYONE as sinners. I suspect Jacob feels he still has a lot of work left and will hole up in some abandoned factory somewhere so that he can carry out his mission.

Terrible things Lawrence. You've done terrible things.


Remember, their cell phones were all confiscated so no one could snap photos to share online. It does seem weird that they couldn't find a land line in the building, but may that had more to do with the power being out?


The phones were out. There was a scene where Seth tried to use a landline phone. No dial tone


Yeah, this was a flaw in the plot.

Why was he in the ladies bathroom? How did he end up outside right when Amy ran there? How did Kane get outside in the first place? did he take the time to unchain the door? How did he end up at the door right when Amy got there, and how did he know when to stick his knife through the door?

And the characters commented about how the hospital was like a maze. Even Seth, who worked there, for tripped up sometime. Yet Kane somehow knew his way around the whole place.
