MovieChat Forums > The Inbetweeners 2 (2015) Discussion > Not funny at all. Really scraped the bar...

Not funny at all. Really scraped the barrel and I'm a long term fan.

Was so looking forward to this. Have all the series dvds and loved the 1st movie. What a let down. Hardly any story. It's like the writers just said 'let's throw as many sex references as we can' and it just gets monotonous and frankly quite boring. The paedo pool scene just isn't funny nor is drinking urine or jokes about beastiality. I'm no prude but this just went too far. I think everyone will see that this really is the last but what an anticlimax to end it all. Easy money I'd say for the cast and producers of this rubbish.never thought I'd say all this about the brilliant Inbetweeners :-(


I sort of agree. I thought individual elements were pretty funny (Will singing at the campfire had me in stitches!) but can't deny that, as a whole, it really didn't work very well. It seems as though he writers panicked when they got a sequel and didn't know what to do with the girls from the first film; 2 of them are ignored, 1 is underused and Lucy is just a completely different character. She may have the same name and be played by the same actress, but that's where the similarities end.


Yeh I agree NP. I found the will singing bit just contrived. The only bit that was mildly funny was Jay diy-ing when will was with the girl. Wish I'd not seen it now and remembered it how it was :(


100% agree! This film was bad. Big let down when will got in the tent with the backpackers I looked at my watch and was thinking I've seen enough now. I did stay but all in all really bad film.


Agree engine. I wanted to leave too but didn't want to disturb others who were in groups and 'socially laughing'. Can't believe anyone found most of this film genuinely funny?


They definitely ran out of steam in this movie. It felt like a 30 minute episode stretched to its limits.
Everything is predictable and the genuine laughs were far too rare.

As big a fan as I am of the series and previous movie this one is a let down. Not worth going to the cinema for. 4/10.



Well I actually found it hilarious almost the whole way through. I just thought it lacked the heart and story of the 1st one. After they left the water park the jokes where funny but it was just going know where. The ending was rubbish.

I still enjoyed it and so did everyone in the cinema from the general reaction. Didn't have a problem with the jokes but I agree it was a tad of a let down overall.


Don't get me wrong I laughed, the whole Simon as a pedo had me laughing the most...especially when jay saw the guys coming and he jumped out and ran off leaving Simon. I cracked up....

However this doesn't make the film good for me or even the other jokes. When it was over I looked to my GF and said well that was aload of *beep* the whole ending was bizarre. And I'm tired of the whole will and a girl situation especially when the girl gets more screen time than the rest of the cast....


Both movies are lousy! the tv show had great stories and a humanity about it, these movies are just a poor attempt at one liners and bawdy humor, it comes off as desperate and not funny.


The problem with it, is it's not in the UK. That's why the series works better. Yes, the first movie was watchable and rather good, but that's because it was a one-off.

If they make a third (which they will, trust me) it would be great to finish it off in the UK again, back where the comedy is.


Just watched this movie last week. I cannot believe it's rating 6.9. I thought it was woeful. Loved the series, first movie was ok.
Jokes were lame, no character development. Disappointed.


6.9 is the best rating for this movie based on its content!
