I find Grogu really annoying

Ever since his appearance, he's overshadowed Din. The show is called The Mandalorian. Not Grogu.

I wish creators of shows will stick to the title of the show, in their stories and focus on the main character.


Sometimes a minor character becomes so popular that they emerge as the main star or focus. That happened with Urkel in Family Matters, Dr Smith in Lost In Space, Fonsie in Happy Days and Alex in Family Ties. It helps make the series successful.


Spock in Star Trek. He was supposed to be a minor character. Kirk was supposed to be the stars. Nimoy's fan mail soon eclipsed every other actor's mail combined.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem

The Shattered World begins in 2025


I believe Spock was always meant to be one of the main characters. You might be thinking of Dr. McCoy, who wasn't in the pilot episode and who was only given a featuring credit for the first season.


No, I'm not. This is fairly well-known history. He wasn't going to be a bit player, but not a lead. In fact, the studio wanted him gone or highly diminished because he was so satanic in appearance.

As for DeForest Kelley, I think you mean given a featured credit only after the first season.

Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus
The Council on Jerusalem

The Shattered World begins in 2025


The main reason for the success of the show is Grogu. The character reached the public's consciousness in a way that no Star Wars character has since the original trilogy. I know people that only watch because of Grogu.
