MovieChat Forums > Hardcore Henry (2016) Discussion > Don't see Hardcore Henry without reading...

Don't see Hardcore Henry without reading this first

Normally, I don't post on here unless it's for certain scenes in movies or films I really enjoyed that I thought deserved to be talked about in meaningful conversation. Hardcore Henry is not one of those movies but because of the whole "new" and "action packed" and "revolutionary" words being thrown around, I want to dispel those thoughts. I don't want to *beep* on the movie because that's not what I'm trying to do, I just don't want people to go into that movie thinking it's gonna be amazing. I'm not one to normally rag on a movie but I am honestly surprised at how many people here truly believe this movie was well done and enjoyable. I would rate it a solid 3 out of 10 and that's pushing it.

SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS ahead for anyone who hasn't seen the movie yet and not sure if you want to, but honestly if you're on the bubble you can read what I'm about to type and then decide to go see Zootopia or some other movie. Firstly, the movie begins actually pretty cool with you seeing who the main character (you) is. It's Henry and your wife is basically rebooting your system (you are part human part computer) because something terrible has happened to you (don't remember really if it's explained or not in the film). Well the next scene the room you're in is overrun by baddies and they kidnap your wife and it's your job to save her and bring her back. I say "you" because really that's what the film is going for (but ultimately fails), the creators are trying to make it so that you are the one doing everything (shooting, running, stabbing, punching, etc.)

I will give the movie this much: at least they tried with the whole first person thing, it's cool for the first 5 minutes but gets REALLY old REALLY quick. If you don't want to watch shaky cam for an hour and 40 minutes then don't see this movie. If you get headaches easily as well, avoid this movie, or sit further away so that the shaky cam doesn't bring one on for you. The story is mainly convoluted and really throughout the entire film you never truly know what the main villain's point for being evil is. And really, the villain has some cool powers but his acting is terrible. You don't care why he is bad. Same goes for Henry, he doesn't speak a word throughout the entire movie but quickly learns through his android powers how to use weapons effectively, how to kill someone specifically with an ice pick and where to hit people to knock them down sufficiently then go in for the kill. The movie doesn't show you how he is able to learn all of these unique manoeuvres although he is extremely proficient. I guess we are just supposed to go with it. Henry's friend Jimmy consistently appears throughout to aid Henry is his quest. Jimmy appears as multiple characters with different accents each time. They really weren't funny and Sharlto Copley really seemed like he was forcing out the lines and forced his acting the entire film. The main villain as I said before had cool powers but you never understand why he is evil, why he is doing what he is doing, and why he has the power he has. His accent changes a couple times throughout as well. I won't go on too much more as I know people are going to probably add more to this but honestly the shaky cam is just too much, the plot is horrific (you never really understand why Henry is doing what he is doing as he never remembers why he is behaving the way he does, oh wait something about a memory blocker that isn't ever explained as well), the acting is mostly sub par save for a couple lines that allow you to chortle maybe 3 times during the entire film.


Went and paid for a showing because believed couldn't get the same experience on a smaller screen... and generally, I was entertained throughout, especially when a lot of action was literally in the camera guy's face.

First wanted to see this when first saw the visuals (even stopping/closing the trailer to avoid spoilers) but lowered expections when learning it was done by Russians who were R&D'ing while filming

And yea, guess the plot was thin but really, it was
a blend the BioShock silent slave protagonist motovated with 'Princess Peach is in another castle, nevermind that the princess wasn't always his dame.

Honestly? Would say they did a really good job of squeezing a lot into the narrow, limited, forced first-person perspective.


So you feel the need for every aspect of a film to be force-fed to you? Otherwise it isn't good? I absolutely enjoyed this film and didn't have any qualms about certain elements not being explained, I can sit here and come up with a quick origin story for why the villain has those abilities, etc. But why? Some things in films thrown at you, without exposition, is OKAY, and at times, the mystery behind it make it that much more intriguing and thrilling - i'm absolutely okay with not knowing why the villain wants to create a team of robot soldiers or why he can levitate people. The movie was set out to do one thing, and it did that very well. Mad Max is one of the greatest films of last year, and most of it was a thrill ride, not much exposition or explanation for majority of the film. Yes I do enjoy dialogue (Tarantino is one of my favorite directors), but I don't need explanations in each and every film.

You missed what the goal of the movie was, and for what it set out to do, it executed it accurately. You knew going into this that the shaky cam/POV was the setting, so your complaint is unfounded and quite illogical to be frank.


An interesting post ben, but I disagree with you. I think it's an awesome movie, a whole new genre. The only problem I had was with the stupid "dance routine" in the middle. WTF was that doing there?

Meanwhile, to make your long posts easier to read you should throw in some more paragraph breaks.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.


This movie was everything I was expecting it to be and then some. I thought it was loads of fun! I disagree with you about the actors, although the Villain was very sterotype and 2D, I think the whole movie was but it KNEW what it was and it didn't try to be anything to deep for itself. Shartlo Copely was awesome and I loved every scene he was in. I think he is a great actor and it looked like he had a lot of fun with this role.

If you go into this movie expecting an FPS Inception or something, prepare to be disappointed. This is a movie that takes stereotypes and cliches and they turn it the knob up to 11.

I knew what to expect and I got it, and loved it.

Hardcore Henry - 9/10

It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.




The whole first person thing for the movie length is too much for me. The exact reason I am not watching this and probably the only time I refuse to watch something regardless of how good the cinematography and the story is. But everybody who's with me should understand this unless you didn't watch the trailer or heard anything about this movie...


I don't want to *beep* on the movie because that's not what I'm trying to do...I'm not one to normally rag on a movie... I would rate it a solid 3 out of 10 and that's pushing it.

So sh--ing on a movie isn't your style,Ben, but "ragging" on this very same movie is a task that you can execute without the slightest hint of compunction, going so far as to encourage folks here at the boards to not see the movie until they've read your post and discovered that you'd rate it a 3-10. Not that I disagree with your assessment of HH, but the temptation to not allow the irony of it all fly under the radar is entirely too tempting





LOL It's not about you making the mistake of watching a film that wasn't for you......It's about you having the nerve to ask for your money back because of a mistake that you made!
Do you not see how unreasonable that is?

It is people like you that make discussion forums uncivilized and are such troglodytes that you are incapable of speaking a civilized word to anyone.

You got all of that from one comment? lol
You're an idiot, love.

Next time you see a film at the movies you don't like.....DEAL WITH IT!
Don't go crying for your money back, it makes you look like a ****ing unreasonable mental person lol.

Oh and my existence is no more "pointless" than yours.



You know not everyone who leaves a negative comment is a troll? lol
I'm not bullying anyone (now who's exaggerating??)
Reasonable people do not ask for a refund at the theater/cinema.
It's not the same as say, asking for a refund on a sweater that's too big.
It's about the same as buying a DVD, watching it and then asking for a refund because you didn't like it.

I find it funny that you say I have a terrible habit of exaggerating.....Based on this short conversation lol.

We don't know each other, my dear. Neither of us are in the position to make ridiculous assumptions.
And I don't care SO MUCH lol. It's just annoying as hell when someone asks for a refund on a film because they didn't like it.
You said you saw 30 minutes of the film......For free lol.
You shouldn't get your money back and you are cocky ****er for asking.


I so agree with you on asking for a refund, it's ridiculous. Even your example of buying a DVD is spot on. It's up to the consumer to read reviews, watch trailers, etc. before paying for a movie. It's just 1 business they can't be giving refunds. Movie theatres would cease to exist if giving refunds became the norm.
