MovieChat Forums > Hardcore Henry (2016) Discussion > First movie I ever walked out on!!

First movie I ever walked out on!!

I tried. I new it was first person. I knew the camera was going to spin and shake. I didn't know I was going to throw up in my popcorn.
Not enough of a story line to deal with the first person view. It gets old very fast. Stripe club scene halfway through I believe was only there to keep men in their seats. I would not recommend anyone to see this one.


This was a great film. A clever film.

It's a lot easier being righteous than right.


Watched on a 55" TV and I was fine, had no problems with the camera. I think you might get sick if you watch it on a giant screen like in the cinema. Watched Star Wars on Imax in London and it wasn't a very comfortable experience.

Overall this is definitely amongst the best action movies released this year, if not the best so far. FPS view was pretty cool and yes, it's a gimmick and wouldn't work in 5-10 movies, but for a 1h 30min movie it was OK. The best thing about the movie is of course the choreography - amazing work, some of the best stunt scenes since The Matrix. A very silly and over the top movie but executed very well. The action is what Deadpool should have been like and not the tame kid friendly stuff that Hollywood usually produces.

Oh, I'm also absolutely amazed this was done on a $2 million budget. Most of the effects very terrific. Definitely amongst the best CGI and action I've seen in a long, long time.


you're a noob. movie as A to say the least. You just don't know art.


What's a stripe club?


I watched it on my flatscreen tv and ended up shutting if off after about 30 minutes. Visually it felt like someone had injected themselves with a gallon of Redbull and then ran around with a camera. That can sometimes work but the editing was so ridiculous. Now, I really enjoy 1st person POV videos on Youtube and in fact, some of the strongest videos I have ever seen were filmed in 1st person POV on Youtube. But, they weren't so choppy and cutting through the story. This comes from a guy who just spent a week playing Escape Dead Island and LA Noire on my Xbox. John Carpenter's steadicam opening of Halloween 1978 was a great example of the power of using such a POV shot. I get that HCH was an action movie but it moved too fast. Even the sometimes clever and almost brilliant visuals were handicapped by their smash and grab arrival and disappearance on screen. I respect the critic who said that the movie actually kept pulling them out of movie. I agree. I didn't relate to what Henry was doing and it clashed with having to share his POV.

But that is just my opinion. I am glad if others liked it.


Too bad, you missed a pretty good movie.

Resistance is impolite, Friendship is mandatory.


I had a totally different experience. After a few minutes I got into it and then all I could think about was all the people I had to get to watch this.

Having said that; I was also thinking of a few people I knew that would get car-sick watching it.

The movie really worked for me, but I can totally see how it wouldn't for others. It's definitely a roller-coaster ride.


It's 'I KNEW' not, 'I new'.

This is the first thread that I ever walked out on!!
