That Skanky Old Chair

I enjoyed the film but all the way through wondered why, once they found somebody DIED IN IT, they didn't burn that skanky ass chair!?

And then at the end we find out it stayed in the house for another 25 years until someone else died in it!

Vegan Voorhees - Giving love to 685 humble slasher movies


It was such an eyesore, even if they did want to keep it, why not put a throw or sheet over it.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


This was based VERY loosely on the "real" story - there was no way they'd keep that chair after what happened, they didn't need it, it was just an extra, unused chair stuck in the corner anyway - let alone ever sit in it again!


Yes they dd keep the chair. Janet's mother died in it as well.


The OP isn't questioning the real family's motives. He's questioning the motives of the characters in this film.


It is unlikely that this happened. The film is the first time it is ever mentioned.


She didn't die in the chair. She died in the same spot as the chair. That chair would have been over twenty years old. Who would even keep an old chair for that long, especially considering the events that are attached to it. Get it right people.


I enjoyed the film but all the way through wondered why, once they found somebody DIED IN IT, they didn't burn that skanky ass chair!?

I enjoyed Wan's take on the true story of the Enfield Haunting too. The chair didn't bother me as much as the corner in which it sat. The peeled up wallpaper and paint made it look as if someone chained up a farm animal in that spot and never cleaned up after it.



And then at the end we find out it stayed in the house for another 25 years until someone else died in it!

I know, right.

I would have rolled that thing out.


Except it was not said that she died in the chair. It was said she died in the same spot where the chair was located in the house.


Never was said (or written) in the movie that she died in the same chair just in the same spot. How quickly people will jump to conclusions.


Was it stated that someone died in it again or they just died on the same spot?
