Valak portrait scene...

When Lorraine was in the room with the Valak portrait in it, I almost had a heart attack watching that scene! The room was dark, and she was slowly approaching the demon nun portrait. The first shot, from far, you can clearly see it's just the portrait. The camera cuts to Lorraine getting closer and closer. The camera then cuts to the portrait and we can clearly see it's now the the real Valak demon. Then, Lorraine very softly moves her hand towards the table lamp, and then it immediately shifts from the real Valak to the portrait once more.

Even though I was expecting this scene to happen as soon as I looked at the portrait, I gotta admit it was still scary as hell imho. The best thing is that this scene didn't end in a cheap jump scare, but actually built up the tension slowly, helped by a spooky ambient track. That was a very eerie scene.

This scene was even scarier to me because I watched this movie on my laptop with headphones, so my eyes wwere like 30-40 cm away from the screen. Any jump scare and my heart would just stop. Definitely spookier than watching this scene from a TV 2-3 metres away and listening to loudspeakers instead of headphones, which give you greater immersion. I was so scared that the demon nun was going to pop up from the portrait, that I partially covered up my eyes haha.

Overall, I liked this movie better than the first, I think it's way scarier than the first. Even the cliche jump scares were more effective, and the scenes with the Valak demon were the creepiest ones. I hope the Valak demon gets its own spinoff movie, like Annabelle got after the first one.


To me this is the scariest scene. Why in the world would they hang that freaky picture? Yes, I *knew* the picture would come alive and I was just waiting for it, the suspense! But I do agree with others that her mouth with the shark teeth was silly looking, so I thought she was more menacing just with her mouth shut. She was scary, though!


The evil smile it gives Lorraine in the basement was the stuff of nightmares too. Easily the most terrifying horror villain in years IMO.


The ONLY scene in the movie that was worth anything.


To me this was the most outstanding scene in the movie. Just like the elevator scene in "Annabelle".


I loved that scene too. Movies never scare me but I LOVE creepy movies and that scene was super creepy.


I just watched it recently and I've never been so afraid in my life. I'm getting goose bumps just thinking of it.


yep, I too watched it all alone in a night, no words.


i have no idea what you're talking about in your first paragraph. it was the portrait the whole time.


The eyes changed from black to bright white but it still did remain the portrait.


It was the only tense and creepy scene in the movie, too bad that had to ruin it with the stupid jumpscare in the end.


This was a superb scene, right from the moment Lorraine sees her standing at the end of the corridor to in the room. The shadows moving knowing she was getting closer was genuinely frightening, it then got ruined by the glowy eyes and silly sharp teeth. Valek is terrifying when she is just the portrait version with her mouth shut and normal eyes, she's ruined when she becomes visibly demonic

"What you don't like rice? Tell me Michael, how can a billion Chinese people be wrong?"
