MovieChat Forums > Man Up (2015) Discussion > Lake Bells accent..?

Lake Bells accent..?

I thought the film was quite funny and I love Lake Bell and think she is beautiful and really funny. I had a problem with her accent though. Maybe because it's the first film she has done with a British accent, but it took away something from the film for me personally. I don't think it was really that good. I'm used to her having that quirky attitude in American accent. I wish they just made her from Anerica and have her regular accent instead of this forced British one. Pegg is so damn funny with his acting and acting. Just MO on the matter.
Did anybody else feel her British accent was a bit off, and weird hearing her force it for the film ???



She had me completely believing she was English, when I know that she's an American from New York City!

She certainly did her homework on that accent and proved that she's a very talented actress dedicated to her craft.

Plus I've always liked her since she was on that show Surface.


No, Not one credible person thought that. Not one person who actually lives in England thought that. Her accent was phenomenal which is not surprising, as she is an accent specialist and a phenomenal talent in many fields of endeavor.


Several years ago they did a news story on TV about people in England teaching fellow Englishman how to speak. They wanted that mid Atlantic accent or upper crust accent. Not some regional accent they had from childhood when they were poor. The teaching jobs paid very well. One made the remark that the minute an Englishman speaks another one will immediately hate him. Some class and geographical hatred still alive apparently.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else
