MovieChat Forums > Man Up (2015) Discussion > Lake Bells accent..?

Lake Bells accent..?

I thought the film was quite funny and I love Lake Bell and think she is beautiful and really funny. I had a problem with her accent though. Maybe because it's the first film she has done with a British accent, but it took away something from the film for me personally. I don't think it was really that good. I'm used to her having that quirky attitude in American accent. I wish they just made her from Anerica and have her regular accent instead of this forced British one. Pegg is so damn funny with his acting and acting. Just MO on the matter.
Did anybody else feel her British accent was a bit off, and weird hearing her force it for the film ???



People with British accents do American accents for American movies/television all the time. Why shouldn't Americans be able to do British accents?

I think many Americans have a problem with the idea because they're accustomed to people "speaking American" and have a ludicrous notion that it's "the correct accent" and everyone should just be "speaking American." That's silly.

Also, there are A LOT of different ways to speak with a British accent. A British accent can be Welsh, Scottish, Cockney, Estuary English, Midlands English, West Country, Northern England, or Geordie. And they all sound about as different as a guy from New Jersey and a guy from Georgia does.

For the record: Lake Bell's accent was FANTASTIC (which shouldn't be surprising since she went to drama school in England and is actually very interested in accents and dialects and such). Supposedly, she only spoke in her British accent while working on this movie and many of the people working with her didn't even know she was American (absolutely true story - look it up)!


I agreed. Her British accent was phenomenal! And spot on! Sometimes American actors don't sound British when they get emotional and talk louder or softer. But here was awesome.


it's funny, I always notice how poor Yank actors are at accents and how easily it seems Brits and Aussies do an American accent. Lake Bell however nailed it. She's very talented and funny and beautiful. A joy to watch.


Why would she have an American accent if she has lived in England all her life? Silly suggestion really.


I'm always bothered with different accents.
It's make believe, cast an English actor or just make them American.
It wouldn't ruin the film either way.


Well can you imagine if they had castes an English person for Lara Croft in tombraider?


well, I'm not familiar with that film, but from what I read she is English, and I have to presume a badass fighter?
So, if the character is English, surely there's an English actress who could have fulfilled that role. Kate Beckinsale is hot, and a badass!

I see your point, but films like this, where it makes no difference if the character is American or Japanese, if you want a certain actor, just let them speak with their own accent. I think it's distracting.


Rightly or wrongly, I'm usually a harsh judge of American's attempts at English accents: Lake Bell did a top notch job. Really brilliant.


Pretending to be someone you're not is pretty much what acting is - her name really isn't Nancy either.


Her accent was absolutely impeccable! I'm from the area of London that she's doing - and it was completely perfect. I even questioned whether she was American or not and had to look it up after the film!

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Agree, was totally shocked about how good her accent was. I was expecting her to be American but when she started speaking I then thought she's bound to put on a middle class accent (like Renee Zellwegger in Bridget Jones). But pleasantly surprised she sounded completely like most people from the south-east.

I think her spot-on accent and overall attractiveness were what distracted me :)


It's probably the most authentic British accent I've ever heard an American actress do. It's that good.


Yes, you're absolutely right, her accent did sound a bit off and I'm not even a native English speaker. I do listen to English talk radio every day and I can tell the accent is quite obviously a bit forced.
It didn't really affect my opinion on the movie and I'm sure most Americans could not tell the difference between the worst fake "British" accent and the real thing.


Not absolutely right at all. Have you not read other people's posts who are English? Her accent was perfect and not forced at all.

I'm not sure how you, someone who's openly admitted is not a native English speaker, can tell if the accent isn't right just because they listen to an English talk radio (which might even have a different accent).
