MovieChat Forums > The Jungle Book (2016) Discussion > King Loui's song was totally out of plac...

King Loui's song was totally out of place

Mowghli enters scary old temple and meets giant terrifying evil ape... which suddenly starts singing catchy song. This scene would have worked perfectly if it held on to the dark tone it began with. The song killed it. Bare necessities fit well into the movie, this one does not.


I agree that the song was definitely a little jarring, the credits scene was more than enough. Totally fine with the rest of the king louie stuff though, especially the cowbell reference !!

'Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.


The song worked perfectly in a quirky way for me and probably for other millions of people on earth too.


I also found that out of character and out of place.

Lincoln Lee: I lost a partner.
Peter Bishop: I lost a universe!




I liked the surrealism of a giant villain singing a catchy song.



It worked for me. If you didn't see it coming, after the Bare Necessities scene, I really don't know what to say.
Sorry it wasn't good enough for you. Maybe you should write Jon Favreau a letter about how it didn't work or get a job as a filmmaker because you're obviously better at it than the person that made the movie.
