King Louie: You're a man, aren't you?
Mowgli: Yeah...
King Louie: That's what makes you a man. You can call the Red Flower, and control it.
Mowgli: They told me not to go near the Red Flower.
King Louie: You know why they tell you that? Because once you have it, you rise to the top of the food chain, brother. Nothing in all of the Jungle can stand up to the Red Flower.
Mowgli: Please, I don't know anything about it. I just wanna go.
King Louie: Go? Go where, Man-cub? Where will you go? Did you know, there was once only a single pawpaw tree? In the whole Jungle? We were just dirt people then, the Bander-log. Log dwellers on four legs. Till one monkey-didn't have a name-he had a notion to look up. Saw more fruit up there than he seen his entire life. Then he looked at his feet. Saw he didn't have feet, he had hands. Four hands. So he climbed, something no one had ever done before in the history of the Jungle. He...evolved. That fruit. Must have tasted delicious. May have been the sweetest thing that monkey ever put in his mouth. So he spread that seed. So more pawpaw trees would grow. And more Bander-log would rise up, flying high. A great people who reach and rise to the top. There's just one thing we need to reach our full potential. Bring me that Red Flower and we will rule this Jungle. I will protect you and you will want for nothing ever again.
Mowgli: I can't.
King Louie: You can't or you won't?
Mowgli: I can't.
King Louie: You WILL!