That Was Terrible !

This movie got High Rating by critics, a lots of them put it as number one in 2016 ( so I expected nothing but perfect, Unfortunately it was disappointing.

At first, the voices did not fit with the movement of the characters, except Bill Mary as Baloo.

The CGI was good, but it was too much , throughout the film It did not felt that i am in the Jungle , it was like i am inside a computer game, nothing naturally was there except the child.

Then, we have the kid Neel Sethi who Was Terrible, no feelings, no a spirit of Mowgli, the kid was lost between the computer graphics.

And The story, I expected it more depth , something new , Unfortunately there was no any addition at all, in fact it was more short version of the story.

I did not feel spirit of Mowgli (fun and smart kid), I did not feel the crazy jungle, no atmosphere of this beautiful story, just A LOTS of Computer-generated imagery (CGI).


Just because something doesn't meet your expectations, it doesn't mean it is terrible or overrated.


Yea it does. If you're not satisfy with something, does it mean it's still good in your view? It's all subjective.

Don't get hurt kid. I'm not your daddy, I'll beat you senseless.


I had no expectations, and this was terrible and grossly overrated.


'nuff said :)


Sorry you felt that way. In the true spirit of Disney, it stuck pretty close to the original animated movie. If you saw that - and I'm guessing you must have - then you would surely know what to expect here. The jungle looked great, the characters were fine...seriously, what's not to like?



That is very true, but there is no ambiguity at all in the advertising or the film's trailer, is there? I find it hard to believe that he wouldn't know what the movie was about prior to seeing it...



seriously, what's not to like?

I know right? The movie was beautiful and touching and Mowgli was cute as a button, i don't see what can disappoint! The whole universe, its mythology and characters are all done in a compelling way, completely in accordance with the original's spirit and tone. Not to mention, the songs work perfectly! Prior to watching it, i thought they would botch those parts, but not at all, Murray and Walken did an outstanding job.

All in all, i gave it a 7/10. Nice little movie.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Thanks, i'll give it a go then.
I think most of the people not liking it are fairly young and expect something different.
This is probably too much of a story for the ADD kids these days. ;)
I saw the original in the movie theatre. :D


I agree. The movie sucks. The connection to the characters is horrible (seriously, none of the animals had any reason to like Mowgli. At least the book explained WHY the wolves adopted him, that it took time for Baloo to care about him, that Bagheera liked Mowgli because he could relate to him being an orphan etc. None of that was in this movie, the writers just expect the audience that all the animals like him for no given reason) and Mowgli was literally the only character that received character development even though it was only slight, it's just too bad that that Neel Sethi kid couldn't act convincingly (although I suppose I shouldn't blame him, as he said in an interview that he had no acting experience prior to this movie).
The plot was aimless and rushed (a good example is that Kaa scene. Where the apparently omniscient Kaa hypnotizes Mowgli to show him his origin story, which the writers were unable to depict in a more original way, for literally no reason. And then Mowgli is saved by a deus ex machina).
So this movie is poorly put together, bad character development (nostalgia is the only reason why the audience could possibly like any of the characters) and the movie was as pointless as that Jungle Book 2 cartoon that came out in 2003.

On the other hand, I do give the movie some credit. It had some impressive CGI for the animals, particularly the wolves (although for some reason, the wolves in this movie were European wolves, not Indian wolves), the monkeys and Shere Khan. The environment throughout the movie was like a decent video game cutscene but nothing more than that. I also really liked the scene where Mowgli says goodbye to Raksha by putting his forehead on hers. That scene was well executed and Lupita Nyong'o delivered the lines perfectly. Speaking of which, I also liked the voice performances of Bill Murray, Idris Elba and Christopher Walken (ScarJo, not so much. She ruined Kaa with that monotone hangover voice. Based on the director's need for gender diversity, I get why they swapped Kaa's gender, but what's the point of sexualizing Kaa like that?)

Other than that, this movie was a pointless atrocity. And the critics make it sound as if this movie was better than The Godfather, Citizen Kane and Vertigo put together. Definitely overrated.


Awful movie, terrible casting, abysmal acting by the main actor, poor CGI. The only redeeming thing is Bill Murray.


Why are you here Slavic boy? When has Russia ever made a good show or movie? Stupid Slavs, stick to your Russian state run media and stop criticizing American movies. Bad or good, it's still better than what the Kremlins are putting out.

Don't get hurt kid. I'm not your daddy, I'll beat you senseless.


Darkknightdummy, there is a soviet version of Jungle Book. Its way, way better then that braindead trash released in 2016 by Disney greed.


I agree too. the movie was terrible, awful. I liked only Bill as Baloo, every single other character was not good fit, the boy overacted every scene, and all that CGI?!?!?! WHY?


Because animals can't talk.


I don't understand why you're asking the reason behind CGI...? LOL.


I agree. I am watching it now on PPV (free credit thankfully). The voices and the dialogue are just cringe-worthy. Scarlet Johansen is the most disappointing so far. She is a snake, yet there is no hiss in her voice and she sounds half asleep. Horrible choice.

Baloo is at least entertaining.

Mowgli, while the actor looks amazing in the roll, the acting itself isn't compelling at all and he is getting on my nerves.


OMG go F yourself....


I agree this was for me not a good film. Kid couldn't act either. To each their own, no harm no foul to lose that loved it.
