MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > His life seriously seems better.... (spo...

His life seriously seems better.... (spoilers)

in prison than it was in Nebraska as Gene, In prison everyone loves him, he's looked at as a hero to them, he can be himself, in Nebraska as Gene he lived a miserable lonely life going to work and going home and sitting in a chair by himself, having lunch by himself.

At least its a better life in prison for him.


For now, how long before he realises 86 years is a long time and the chance of good behaviour isn't funny any more and he starts running schemes in Prison, trading contraband and etc.

How long before Jimmy inadvertently (or otherwise) ends up with one prison gang against the other thinking he can still deal with both, like with the Salamanca's, Gus and to some extent Walt. The whole bit of him on the run as Gene when he says this is how it ends, how stupid, what an idiot, why etc., did he really learn from that mistake, or will he once again get tempted, hell could end up with both Prison Guards and Prison Gangs against him.

That's the open ended question of the finale and I guess up to each of us viewers to come up with our own scenario's. My view is he'll eventually end up doing schemes and have not learnt anything as his ego eventually gets lost in his "celebrity" status in Prison. Or there will be Prisoners who will want him to do something for them because he's "Saul Goodman" and it'll be the bag over the head gun to the head type thing all over again, he may even say no at first but then think I can get something out of this, again having not learnt anything.

Yep life is good for Saul/Jimmy now being in the kitchen but for how long is the question.

As a note though I'm not so sure Jimmy/Saul/Gene hated his Cinnabon life, he originally only fell back into things because he wanted to have something on Jeff so that his Cinnabon life could continue, as he did ring the Disappearer and then change his mind. Plus on a couple of occasions he called into the store when he couldn't be there, even with what was suppose to be his only phone call, calling Cinnabon was his first priority, so I think he actually liked the life. Problem was like an alcoholic, drug addict or anyone with any sort of addiction, once he tasted the life again he was hooked back in and that was the answer to all his money from before being gone (why I think it'll happen again in Prison he's addicted to the rush/thrill of it all).


Lots of prisoners spend their time learning the law in order to work on their own case. Assuming Jimmy would be the perfect legal expert there, without having to take sides. But yeah, he is what he is and "has always been that way". It will go south eventually.


To me it's not a matter of Will He, it's more a matter of When Will He.

We already know that he likely still has people he defended in Prison and in that particular Prison as at the deposition he said:

"Are you kidding?
I give you guys half a chance,
you're gonna throw me into
gen pop in some hellhole.
I visited a client once at ADX Montrose.
"The Alcatraz of the Rockies."
No. No, that's a dealbreaker, my friend."

And that's where Jimmy/Saul ended up so his reputation would proceed him (as it already showed really with him being liked), so how long before the Top Dog of the Prison approaches him and says I could use a man like you or something similar. It could even be someone who wants to be Top Dog who approaches him wanting a similar association because of the reputation he has amongst inmates. Basically that would put Jimmy/Saul in a similar position he was in when he decided what he did with working with Walt and et al, and once the realisation hits that 86 years is a long time in Prison, I think I know what his decision would be.

In a way that could have been the ending, having that "offer" made to him (which ever one), then fading out to a scene of Jimmy/Saul laying on his bed that night thinking and gradually a smile coming on his face. It would be taking him full-circle to when he started off in Breaking Bad all those years ago, as the saying goes the more things change the more they stay the same and to me for Jimmy/Saul that's a given.


You must be seriously naive to think the best of prison is even remotely as good as the worst of freedom.


Bro the life he was living was like some purgatory before going to hell, he looked like he was seconds away from hanging himself in those early cold opens of the show. In prison he was fist bumping guys, walking around with everyone loving him, he was free of guilt, he was in a way in a much better place.


That bread he was making looked tasty, lol.

It’s also a federal prison. They tend to be nicer than state prisons and county jails.


That bread looked amazing!


You must be seriously naive to think the best of prison is even remotely as good as the worst of freedom.

Depends on who you ask. I know homeless people that prefer to be in prison.

Then there is the man that got himself arrested to get healthcare.


It's not rare at all.


Even in that fringe scenario, he only chose that because he knew he'd be able to get out afterwards. As a free person you have the potential to change and start a new life, usually even under the worst of circumstances. There's always that potential, the choice. In prison like Saul there is no such option, you are at the mercy of the cage 24/7, your choices have been taken from you. To even compare the two like they're remotely similar again strikes me as incredibly naive.


As a free person you have the potential to change and start a new life, usually even under the worst of circumstances.

Not if you are a wanted man. You are always living in fear It always comes back to haunt you.


After serving 7 years (or less) with the original deal he constructed he would no longer have been a wanted man.


I mentioned this because the OP is about whether Jimmy was better in Nebraska as a wanted man or better in jail.


I see what you're saying, but the OP was basically trying to justify the ending of him choosing 86 years in prison. Even in Nebraska with his new identity he had a magnitude greater amount of freedom that he ever would in jail, and a wide range of choices were possible (even if he didn't take them at the time). And to people who have been in prison, even the smallest choices like going for a walk, going to the grocery store, having a smoke, etc. are savored.

I guess it depends on how much you value your freedom and personal autonomy, even with the looming thought of capture. There's a reason why so many criminals prefer to be on the run as opposed to getting caught.

But the original justification and comparison also fails to take into account the 7 year deal, where he would no longer have that looming thought of capture. Where he truly could start a new life without living in fear after being released.


At least now he can live free of regret and never feel the need to “time travel” anymore.


He can still have regret. Regret doing what he did in the first place that got him locked in the cage.


That was a kindness given to the character for the audience. He deserved prison, but making him loved by the inmates lets us assume his time in prison wasn't full of rape and beatings. The silver lining essentially.
