MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > OK someone's gotta say it but Jimmy got ...

OK someone's gotta say it but Jimmy got screwed over

The deal was he would be suspended for a year, he served his time, he did everything they told him to, he got a job, he did his community service, he attended the meetings and now it was all for nothing because he didn't kiss the floor that his deceased asshole of a brother used to walk on?

Jimmy could so fight this and not only get his licence back but destroy the careers of everyone on that committee. They had no right to deny him.


The truth is ,he wasn't sincere. They saw through him and saw a shyster. If you think about it,he constantly acts unethically, he just got caught once.


Truth. Jimmy shut something down in himself when Chuck bought the farm. The whole thing just left too bad a taste in his mouth, never to be resolved, never to be in any real sense understood. I can relate to that, personally.

Jimmy is not a narcissist, but he is self-centered. That blind spot cost him at the hearing. They wanted to hear from him some accounting of how he was dealing with the family tragedy, Chuck having been a preeminent attorney, the dramatic conflict between them also known. They didn't hear it. At least, by Kim seeing that immediately, this is what we are to understand, as a reasonable expectation on their part, being only voyeurs into their world, kim being the most reliable narrator in the BCS universe.

It probably seems like he got screwed, but imo the intention of the show is to show that Jimmy's character, in its current state, just cost him. will almost certainly cost kim.

This isn't the same thing as getting maltreated by Chuck early on. That was a straight-up screwing. This is something different.


Maybe I'm a little cold like Jimmy but I don't see why he had to bring up his brother's death at his hearing. Sure, Chuck was responsible for Jimmy becoming a lawyer, to prove to Chuck that he could be. I don't think that's a very good angle to show why he should be reinstated.


Kim just assumed that, and maybe she was right. I think they were trying to see if he was over his (rightful) resentment towards his brother. All they knew was he admitted to something regarding his brothers case.


The truth is, he is a criminal. FRAUD after FRAUD after FRAUD.


That's a little harsh. He tried mightily to help his brother, even at his own expense, met met constantly with rebuff & insult.

He got the old folks some of their money back.

In a clutch, he doesn't screw his buddies. He has heart.

The law degree was legit.

Most of his present difficulties are directly attributable to his crazy evil resentful brother.

Nevertheless, he's headed downhill, where its comfortable, where he came from.

A fellow can only take so much, as he'd probably put it, if put to it.


This is a tricky one for me. Jimmy is a shyster, a crook. He is dishonest.
But when it comes to this hearing, I feel that he came in having abided - as fast as they know - by the terms of the deal.
They are rejecting him based on a perception, a sense, a feeling that he is not being truthful. But I think given the terms of the deal AND lacking any actual evidence that he violated them... they should have reinstated his license. Even though, knowing what WE (the audience) know about his activities, he doesn't deserve a law license.
So, again, this is a tricky one for me.



Slippin' Kimmy will help him get it back next week.




The committee had no justification for denying him. He did everything that was required of him, them denying him because they don’t like his tone is bullshit.


Which I agreed with.



Not really. Jimmy had to talk about Chuck. Chuck was the main person who got him into trouble. How could Jimmy just ignore that (breaking and entering)???!!!???!!! Kim knew the score. She tried to get Jimmy to open up to a psychiatrist or counselor, but we found out how he dealt with it.


That’s fine, but why not just ask him questions about Chuck and evaluate his answers?
I wouldn’t trust Jimmy as far as I could throw him, but I can at least understand the many reasons why someone wouldn’t want to bring up the topic of his dead brother who just burned to death following an unrepairable fraternal rift.
Just straight up ask the guy about the legal troubles that got him suspended and all the players involved, including Chuck.



I think that's what the woman asked when she questioned Jimmy about the law? Isn't that what Chuck pointed out in his opening and ranted and raved about when he had a meltdown? We could see that Jimmy didn't consider it. I don't think they thought Jimmy was a criminal based on breaking and entering. This was not about parole, but getting his license back. They wanted to see whether he was contrite about breaking the law. He avoided it and that's why they didn't think he was sincere. Sincere is a code word for sorry when they want you to figure it out for yourself.


Jimmy never mentioned a hearing throughout this whole year!!! The viewer was left to assume that Jimmy does 1 year probation and automatically gets his license back. Jimmy never once said, "It all depends on a meeting 1 year from now," or "I hope I can convince them in that big meeting." No meeting was ever mentioned for the whole year he was on probation........
