MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > Jimmy was unbearable in the season premi...

Jimmy was unbearable in the season premiere

From the start when he found out about Chuck it was so boring and unbearable watching him go around all silent and moody for the next hour barely uttering a word. Not giving a fuck about his brothers obituary, right up until the end when he gladly let Howard think he was cause of Chuck's death then went around whistling and making coffee like he was in a great mood.

I was like so wait Jimmy doesn't give a fuck about Chuck dying? Then why was he all moody and silent the entire episode then?


It’s all retroactively Walt’s fault.



Yeah in the teaser I was kind of on the edge of my seat because I thought something might happen but for the remainder of the episode it was all build up to something that never happened.


I have to admit, Jimmy was boring. Thank goodness Mike was in the episode.


Yeah I don't get that sudden turn of events at all. Besides the obvious question of why Saul was suddenly so carefree, I'd also like to know why he'd be so happy-go-lucky so...obviously, you know?
The man starts whistling...he's broadcasting his sudden change of heart here, right in front of two people who are obviously going to take he a pod person now?

Because we know he's enough to be a dang good grifter, which of course means...not just the ability to read and understand others well, but to know how to maintain a certain vigilance in being able to self monitor, to be calculated in the image you present to others. And suddenly he's just showing his hand here? Presumably while demonstrating a serious lack of self awareness?

It seems out of character...if he's feeling some sort of twisted sense of relief, why be so obvious about it? I wonder if its on purpose...somehow.
It just doesn't make much sense, its not in his character to suddenly be so blissfully unaware, IMO. I don't get it.


I'm not sure why so many people on every discussion site are having such difficulty understanding this scene. It's dead simple: he wracked with guilt over Chuck's death because he knows his insurance scheme caused Chuck to relapse. He then finds out that Howard pushed Chuck out and there you go: Jimmy found a scapegoat in Howard and transferred his lot of guilt to Howard, hence the "Cross to bear" statement. In other words, Jimmy was deliberately detaching himself and pretending it was all Howard's fault in order to cope with the grief.

This isn't at all an unheard of coping mechanism. That's all it is. Nothing more to read into it than that: he saw that BOTH he and Howard contributed to Chuck's suicide but Jimmy simply decided "You know what? It was Howard's fault. Not mine. Yep, that's what I'm gonna tell myself".

Clearly though, from the previews and the very promo poster for this season itself, Jimmy is still in great pain underneath and is putting on a facade.

Not sure why people are having trouble understanding this: Jimmy is partly responsible for Chuck's suicide and he knows it so he's trying to deflect blame in order to avoid losing his sanity. It's a very human reaction to his brother's death.
