MovieChat Forums > Better Call Saul (2015) Discussion > Definitely Lost Me as a Viewer...I so wa...

Definitely Lost Me as a Viewer...I so wanted to love this show...Bloody Chuck

Way too much bloody Chuck and has been since the end of season one when he could easily have been pushed out of the story.

Season 1 was Very Good and hinted that it was about to take off to great heights.

Season 2 had a cop out opening and then just meandered for the whole season albeit with a very good ending and the promise of Gus coming. Season 2 is probably the first time I have watched a whole season out of perserverence.

Season 3 started Very Good, and the initial Gus stuff was nice, but then half way though it began meandering and to be honest I have only been half watching the the last couple of episodes. Good to see Chuck might have killed himself at the end, I guess.

Bloody Chuck has ruined this show for me, it's actually a very good acting performance, but who cares about him honestly. He's a nutjob.


So, your plan is to stop watching, now that they've seemingly finally killed off a character you don't like? Doesn't follow.


Chuck is a big part of why Jimmy turns into Saul Goodman. Some of the arguments between Chuck and his brother got to me. I could not stand to have a brother stab you in the back. However, things get patched up eventually and then we find out he has made moral judgments based on jealousy that cannot ever be mended. There are weaknesses with the show, but the problems isn't Chuck as Jimmy's brother.


No doubt, Season 4 will start with Gene yes, but the next segment will feature Chuck getting rescued by the fire department and then moping around for the rest of the season. We haven't seen the last of Chuck, I bet.

Anyways, this season finale: Better Call Chuck. Wow...


You called it. they'll find a way to keep Chuck around, as if we care about watching him and don't want him to leave asap.


Read the Michael McKeen interviews. He flat out reveals that Chuck is dead.


I hold the opposite view, the first half of season 3 bored me to death.

It became interesting with the trial between Chuck and Jimmy.


I have to say, i lost patience for chuck's weirdness after the first season. I mean how many times can we see him being afraid of a lightbulb or something?

They focused so much on his disease that i felt took away time from actual dialogue related to jimmy or other characters. Hope he's finally gone in season 4.


You and everyone else in this thread seriously need to read the recent interviews with Michael McKeen. Seriously...


Yup! As recently as today.


Thanks for the link, Cat. I was too lazy to track one down.

It makes perfect sense for him to be dead, regardless. I'd always figured that Chuck would either wind up committed or dead. SOMETHING had to happen to Chuck to push Jimmy toward Saul Goodman. Jimmy is the kind of person who would blame himself for Chuck's death and let the guilt eat away at him. Such guilt and self-loathing is the perfect path toward Saul Goodman and would explain why Jimmy would morally compromise himself like that: he feels he doesn't deserve to be anything other than the man Chuck perceived him to be. He'll give up on his good guy ways and give in to Saul Goodman as Chuck suggested when he said: "Just embrace what you are." Jimmy will do that both as an "honor" to his dead brother as well as out of his guilt and self-loathing.

And now it all makes sense: Saul Goodman was able to suggest putting hits on people in Breaking Bad. If he was plagued with guilt over Chuck's death and feeling he didn't deserve to be a straight shooter, it would greatly explain why he would dive headlong into Saul Goodman and be the man his brother knew him to be.

This makes me feel even more sorry for Jimmy than I did before. What a tragic backstory! He's going to jump into his Saul Goodman persona almost as a cocoon--a source of comfort. He's going to give up on trying to do the right thing because he feels hopeless.

This is a sad origin story: he becomes funnyman, sleazy lawyer, Saul Goodman, almost out of a feeling of no other recourse--like a refugee from his own guilty conscience. You almost can't blame him at this point. Unlike Walter White, I actually for for Jimmy as he's going through his transformation. This transformation (Unlike Walt's) wasn't one out of ego--it's one out of defeat and guilt. Let's hope for potential redemption for Jimmy at Cinnabon.


And I'm not sure how to make the links clicky. Is it the usual, with [url] etc???

I hate Chuck. (what great acting Michael McKean!!)


I'm not sure how it's done on this site. If it's the same as IMDB, it would be this:

Yeah, I hate Chuck as well. I agree, though--GREAT acting. I've always loved McKean--especially in The X-Files and Short Circuit 2.


Url testing:


WOOO!!! it works like the usual way, with url square brackets. Sorry about the lazy non-attempt above.


Great! Hopefully, this puts people's complaints to rest. Chuck's exit serves as a catalyst for Jimmy's transformation into Saul we all suspected it would. Makes perfect sense.


Thanks very much for posting this.


But we don't know for sure Chuck is dead. I would be willing to bet that he shows up alive next season.



Yes, we do. Read McKean's interviews online.


He said that Chuck is dead?



Check Cat's link in a few posts above this. He was interviewed several times and said that he is dead. He even went as far as to say that Gilligan and Gould pulled him over on the road and gave him the "death call" and that McKean was sort of expecting it.

He'll be back for flashbacks but that's it.


I tried to check it but couldn't get in because of my ad blockers. No matter. I believe you. Thanks for the update.
RIP Chuck (except for flashbacks).



Yeah, it was a common staple for Breaking Bad to bring dead characters back via flashbacks, so I'm not surprised. It makes sense to keep Chuck someone involved in the entire series even if only through flashbacks now.


The ghost of Chuck past.



They didn't lose me as a viewer, bc I like Jimmy and want to see him BE Saul, but yeah, this season was a bore fest. Very little actually HAPPENED. It all seemed like setting up for later. If you're going to lose viewers, that's basically shooting yourself in the foot.
